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Need colaborators for a Questline


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*Probably not very Lore-Friendly, considering there's magic involved. Sci-Fi and Fantasy never come together on TV. We'll try to wire the quest to the story (ie, Karma-relevence, Faction preference)


ab actu ad posse valet illatio



"corpora lente augescent cito extinguuntur"



Wesli Mikels da Leon

A centuries old girl with the face of a woman in her younger twenties. Her guise of youth is a mask over her immense wisdom. Born during the late Renaissance, under the tyranny of a Church, with dying power. The power had fallen in the British Isles, where Anglicanism spearheaded the populace. She could be considered Stealth-borne; the consummation of love between a Cardinal Assassin and his vulpine target. With the visage of her mother, bearing human features, save for a fox's ears and tail, and the flexibility of her father, a Scottish Cardinal Assassin, once loyal to the Head Cardinal. Upon Wesli's birth, her mother died, leaving Wesli's incompetent father to care for her. He tried at first, but knew he couldn't keep it up. He left her in the streets and left for his own mission - to kill the Cardinal.


Wesli survived for quite some time. She uncovered a book of spells, which she learned with an inherent adeptness. She even had control over Telekinesis. Her magic was not strong enough, however. She would have to train with a Secret Society in Rome; the voice of truth in the shadows, and the template of purity; the White Witches of Psalms. They would never kill, save for the truly evil, and the corrupted of their order. However, she also had more pressing matters. Men who had once served with her father had been sent to Great Britain to slay her. So she fled. Across the English Channel, and through Europe, fleeing, until she reached the Republic of Venezia. The Church had some influence in Venezia, and had Priests and Saint/Ambassadors throughout the area. The Saint/Ambassadors, called Patron Saints, were above the vow of poverty Priests live by, as their funds were used to assist in the progress of Science in the area. Along with their patronism, these Saints were indeed Saints; some had walked through fire, wearing not much else than their Priest robes, some had sped up one's healing with a touch. Some were simply good priests. But this leads us to our next subject.



"amare et saper vix deo conceditur"



Vito da Leon

Unlike many Italians who use the "da ____" surname style, he does not come from a town or village called Leon. It's indeed his family name, and thus, one of his ancestors was born in Leon, Sicily. He is a few years older than Wesli.


Vito was formerly a corrupted, happy man, with no malice or evil intentions. He never would. But his purity would change. Two important people in his life would turn him about, to the path of Sainthood. One would speak in his favor, and another would play him down. Saint Vito da Leon had survived arson caused by the soon-to-be Head Cardinal of Rome, who is unimportant. Scarred only physically, the single mental effect was his turning to the proverbial light.


Born in Sicily, he would travel far, becoming a Saint in Venezia. When Wesli was nearly executed on his doorstep, Vito intervened and asserted that his area's Canon Law protected Hybrids and users of magics. The supposed "blasphemy" resulted in the executioner ending up with a broken arm, courtesy of the Saint da Leon, and the Captain fled in fear. Wesli thanked Vito personally, and afterwards, intimately. After feeling that he'd broken his vow of celibacy, but feeling a connection to his new love, he decided they should head East to the Orthodox lands so they could marry.


They made their way quickly through Central and Eastern Europe, but were halted at Hungary. Wesli, not being very physically strong, was only able to hold her own for so long. When Vito took sword to bone, he felt no remorse, finally seeing the corruption in the Cardinal's words. The Pope, with no hand in the persecution, and no hand in the forces enforcing it. The Head Cardinal led the Cardinal Knights, the remnants and descendants of the Crusaders, and enforced his hatred with the backing of the Cardinal.


With the help of the White Witch who helped Wesli master her art, Vito and Wesli defeated the Cardinal, leaving him to die, and the Cardinal Knights split up and dies out.


The newly married da Leons travelled Europe the rest of their days


As mortals



"bonis nocet quisqus malis perpercit"

--Publius Syrius



Years later, in the 1900's decade, this man becomes a new interest in our story. His name unknown, he goes by "Hijak", and carries with him a LeMat inherited from his Union Grandfather, who took it off his brother in memory of lives wasted.


With a mostly unknown past, Hijak is known as a combat extraordinaire, with bullet-time reflexes and sharp eyes. He can clear out a bandit camp with no more than a scratch in the aftermath (That's no exaggeration). He patrols the Frontier, a vigilante who believes in his own rightness. He assists the righteous and stomps out the corrupt. With his sense of people and situational awareness, he can easily decide who aligns most with his idea of justice.


A man who believes in vengeance, justification, and true freedom, Hijak will shoot when shot at, and ask questions if able. One would end up with a new hole in their cranium, were they to attempt to strip him of his gun and hat.


A trustable, though mysterious man.


When he met Wesli and Vito, now around 300 years old, his life changed to help them. Familiar souls, with unfamiliar faces.


To the end of his mortality, he patrolled the Frontier, a LeMat at his hip.



"adde parvum parvo magnus acervus erit"



Sonata da Leon

The 18 year old child of Wesli and Vito. The reasons for her postponed conception was due to Vito and Wesli not wishing to strain their marriage with a child. Hijak helped with many affairs when he began traveling with them, and eventually became a bit of a babysitter when Sonata was younger.


When Sonata reached puberty, she manifested a lust for Hijak, and did what she could to be with him. On her 18th birthday, she finally got him to agree by approaching him with liquors. She drank whine, he drank brandy.


Now, Sonata, a fox like her mother, and Hijak have formed a love for each other, and protected each other with all they could. Hijak's connection to the da Leons also gave him a reason to keep them safe. His first real bullet wound was from protecting Wesli from a direct gunshot.



I'd like for them to become a set of Companions that could work together, and help the Courier, forming a five-man squad. They'd have Very Good Karma and would be inclined to help a Courier fighting for the NCR, or Independent New Vegas, Either or.


If one talked to Hijak, they'd be advised to join the NCR. If one talked to Wesli, they'd be advised to work towards an Independent New Vegas. If one talked to Vito, he'd tell the Courier to stay away from House, and that deception is not always evil. If they spoke to Sonata, she'd show her disdain for the Legion, and express displeasure over their chauvinism and slaving, saying that she'd sooner die than surrender to them.


Voice acted or not, they need a questline.


I could design the characters (Simple enough to do in the GECK, with race, armor, weapon, and accessory mods (I'd need a mod for Wesli and Sonata to have claws on their right hand, fox's ears and tails, and some sort of magics for them, while Vito will need a cross-shaped sword, preferably a large Falchion or Scimitar, and Hijak will need a LeMat (Vito's sword; relevant mod from Skyrim Nexus(transfer models and textures to the GECK, with the maker's permission)


Need more information? PM me if you want to know anything else.

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