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Better cities conflicting mods

Lord Valarian

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BOSS since v2.0.0 has had filters in the HTML display. Please use them to hide the 'Bash Tags' before copying unless you are asking about them in particular.


Someone explained bash to me. Bash tags? I vaguely understand. I'll try filter that next time.


The 'unrecognized plugins' should be reported to the BOSS thread, along with links to their download pages. That way they can get sorted properly. Otherwise they just get shoved to the bottom of you Load Order, which might cause conflicts for earlier mods. Does 'Archmage_Quest_Sanctuary' and it's related 'AMQS_Sort_Chest' file say anything about compatibility with BC, or where they belong in the LO?


Those are mine. ;) These problems were there before I made them. They are available in downloads.

Archmage_Quest_Sanctuary.esp Version 1.10 Active [main - released 1.0, dev 1.0]

AMQS_Sort_Chest.esp Active [addon - dev 1.0]


I'v not seen enough endorsements or any for that matter. So, I'v not bothered with releasing more. Comparability with BC, I have it setup to activate. First, I want to download 'Reclaiming Sancre Tor', but it's massive. I'm just now grabbing the first file. My mods, there is only two that are currently released.


The only other potential problem I see is 'Salmo the Baker'. You will just have to test it to see if it causes CTDs for you.


I'm having heavy problems with ctd's. I'v managed to reduce them somewhat. I will try disabling 'Salmo the Baker'. If it's the problem, is there a patch? I have COBL 172 installed.


I have a loading cell crash. It will see the loading cell screen, but no loading. It just stops. I can trigger it this way: Aylied steps mod, you use one. Then try to load a saved game. It will causing the loading crash.


I don't see 'Item Interchange'. That works with COBL and Wrye Bash to allow items from different mods to be available from other vendors and loot lists. As I recall it's recommended for use with 'Salmo', but with such a lengthy list I would recommend it regardless. Use the updated version instead of the older one bundled with Cobl. Be sure to read the ReadMe about which ESP to use for compatibility with the various versions of Frostcrag.


Limiting items to just STB? That makes them available everywhere. Not sure if I want that. Unless it's a bug fix. I'll leave this alone for now. I need to get these CTD's under control and get 'who gods annoy' to work(no scamps appear).


BrumaMGRestored-Frostcrag.esp Active [won't clean]

Contains dirty edits: 10 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES4Edit cleaning

Edited by Lord Valarian
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