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Anyone else disappointed with the Stormcloak questline?


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Tullius's last words did make sense. Unfortunately, all the other times you hear him speak it's called bureaucratic BS. The Empire has a bad habit of trying to negotiate only when they're losing. Fun fact: Upon looting Rikke, I noticed that she apparently has the biggest bust size of any female NPC that I've seen.

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Personally I usually side with the Stormcloaks simply out of spite to get back at the Imperials for nearly beheading me. I mean if it weren't for Alduin conveniently saving my life I would have had my head lopped off and for what? Crossing the border illegally? They didn't even care who I was or why I was there... they were just going to execute me. That's horrible. It's not a one time mistake either, they execute other honorable nords for nothing. Roggvir being executed just for allowing Ulfric to challenge the High King in the old ways following the traditions of his fathers and his father's fathers was in no way a traitorous offense.

Furthermore, I saw Elisif at the Thalmor Embassy along with all the other crooks and she would make the worst puppet Queen of all time... she's just some young stupid girl not even fit to be a Jarl, well alone High Queen.

Though, Ulfric is clearly inept seeing as to how were it not for Alduin's intervention he'd have been executed along with his top lieutenants. The Empire certainly has a more capable general.

Either way you have to sell your soul to both sides in life and in death and in elder scrolls the "in death" that's taken quite literally as we've seen many times over.

I believe the Dragonborn isn't meant to interfere with the civil war though if I had to choose a side that I felt was for the best, putting my personal feelings aside, the Empire is the better choice. Skyrim can't fend off the Aldmeri Dominion alone but then again Skyrim has obviously gotten weak and corrupt so there are pros and cons to both sides. It's not entirely clear that the other provinces wouldn't help Skyrim if it came to it.

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I side with the Stormcloaks, because I feel they're a lot more friendly than the Imperials...

That's not saying anything, just because someone's unfriendy of gruff doesn't mean that thet are actually mean. Okay, imagine a cult they have the appearence of a fun bunch of people, but in the interior they all commit suicide. They appear friendly but they are actually evil. So next time you look at something don't judge a army by it's soldiers

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I side with the Stormcloaks, because I feel they're a lot more friendly than the Imperials...


They hate every other race that isn't nord. and then they are self hating nords unless you are what they think a "true nord"

I wouldn't call that friendly.


Actually, remember that first Imperial captain you meet calling you cat if you're a Khajiit? Now, compare that to Ralof and at least several other Stormcloak soldiers that actually say Khajiit.

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I side with the Stormcloaks, because I feel they're a lot more friendly than the Imperials...


They hate every other race that isn't nord. and then they are self hating nords unless you are what they think a "true nord"

I wouldn't call that friendly.

Actually, remember that first Imperial captain you meet calling you cat if you're a Khajiit? Now, compare that to Ralof and at least several other Stormcloak soldiers that actually say Khajiit.
As this is above all else an rpg conducted by the gms (Bethesda), that could just be an oversight or a bug or the stormcloaks being too busy killing Imperials to be racist
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Oh i remember being called a cat when i first played a khajiit it's the entire reason i went stormcloak because that bench had to die. until later on after i had finished the stormcloaks questline and saw how they treat everyone that weren't them, that i was like wow... i messed up. also even when in the stormcloaks they still do call you cat occasionally. and still threaten to turn you into a nice rug ( sad face ).

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In my opinion, it all went the way it should have. The most powerful people will rule if they choose to. And Skyrim belongs to the Nords, not the Empire. It never belonged to the Empire as it is now.

You have to remember that, before any of this happened, before the Empire even existed as we know it, there was Tiber Septim. Tiber Septim was brought up in Skyrim, he was a Nord, and he was also a Dragonborn. Through military conquest and his own strength, he defeated the enemies of the Nords as Talos and unified Cyrodiil under the Septim Dynasty, eventually conquering all of Tamriel under Imperial rule. The current Empire we know is trying to destroy everything Talos built in the name of succumbing to the wishes of a bunch of elves. I think Ulfric had every right to take back Skyrim from the Empire, because the Empire is no longer what it was created to be, but a weak and corrupt shell of itself. The Empire agreed to forsake the one person that brought it into existence to bend a knee to outsiders.

The debate of Ulfric using the voice as "unfair" is just stupid, also. Talos had the voice which he openly used to defeat his enemies. It's something that makes them more powerful than others. Others can learn to use the voice without being Dragonborn, but they don't and that's their loss. Nord tradition is about the most powerful warriors, not about making things "fair". Combat is honorable if engaged without any sort of trickery beforehand, and Ulfric was using his resources to fight and win.

Edited by DeltaWulf
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