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Empty building, Somewhere near Horrowitz farmstead, The Mojave Wasteland



Morgan was going through his stuff while Loki was keeping an eye out, even though this was a pretty quiet place. But you can never be too sure with the Mojave, Morgan yawned loudly and looked to Loki was was keeping an eye out on the door; ”Alright pal, will you be alright tonight? Heh dumb question really, of course you will. Wake me up if it is something alright?” Loki barked once in a confirming manner, which brought a small smile to Morgans face.


Morgan had been tipped about this location by a man hanging out in the vegas ruins, who had said that there was usualy fiends and vipers passing by here, so of course Morgan decided to check the place out.


Morgan yawned and went to the bedroom of the small house he had taken shelter in and went to sleep, uneasy as usual with nightmares following him.

Legion camp, ????



Morgan woke up and started to wake the other children around him and told them to get ready, he then packed the little things he had into a sack that he slung over his back, he lifted his bedroll and took out the knife that Gaius had given him a few years back and sheathed it on his belt.


He asked the others to gather around him so he could detail out the plan with them ”Ok, first we sneak through the camp to the front gate, there should be only one guard. You hide while I take care of him, once he is taken care of we make a break for it, alright?” The other kids nodded and they set off towards the gate, stealthily avoiding all troops until they came to the gate, as Morgan had predicted there was only one guard so he went to him to take him out.


”Excuse me sir may I ask you something?” he said to the guard, trying to sound as innocent as he could


”Hmm? What do you want? Shouldn't you be asleep?” he looked at Morgan, who obviously was up bed time and then sighed ”Fine, just this one question ok? Then you are off to bed” he then bent over so he could hear Morgan better, only to get a knife in his throat.


”Does that hurt?” Morgan asked the obviously dead legionairy before waving for the others to start running.


Of course, escaping has never been easy and the group was spotted not long after and a few squads set off after the kids, catching most of them but not Morgan and about 5 more or so who made it off before they where killed or captured again, and just as a dog was about to lunge at Morgan, everything pretty much disappeared.

Empty building, Somewhere near Horrowitz farmstead, The Mojave Wasteland



Morgan woke up screaming, bathing in his own sweat and sat up on the edge of the bed resting his head in his palms, hearing a sandstorm raging outside. He went to the kitchen of the building where he saw Loki sitting looking worried about Morgan, so he walked up to him and sat down and started petting him ”Well boy, looks like I'm not going to escape my past anytime soon. What do you say about some breakfast, and then head out towards the farm?” Loki just barked in agreement so Morgan started to cook up some breakfast.


After they where done eating Morgan put on his bandana and goggles, which he always had incase of sandstorms and put a pair of goggles on Loki too so he could see anything in the sandstorm and then went towards the farm. After looking around for a while he saw something crimson of in the distance, he took aim with his sniper and saw that it was a group of legion soldiers so he told Loki to wait where he was before taking aim again and pulled the trigger.....

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