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Module Number Capped/Limited Mods/DropdownMenu Problem


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Module Number Capped/Limited Mods/DropdownMenu Problem

The Mount and Blade Warband launcher suddenly won't show all of the mods I have installed. Its as if there is suddenly a limit to how many mods can display in the drop down menu. When I scroll down the drop down menu it will not scroll down to the last module in the module folder.

Before the problem I could see all of the mods installed from the drop down menu by scrolling with the mouse, all of the mods are properly installed. I know this because I have played and tested them.
I have both the Steam and GoG version of MBW installed with their own modes in their own module directory. Both versions have the same problem a limited list of modes in the drop down menu but with a different number of mods.
I have the Warband Scripted Enhanced installed in my Steam install.

I did a restart of my computer (win10) and that didn't fix it.
I cleared the registry of the last mod used.
I tried deleting redundant mods with the launcher. Example; deleting out of date versions of a mode while keeping newest one. This didn't fix it.
I tried to install a new mod. This didn't fix it.
I deleted the rgl_log.txt, didn't fix it.
I cleared all mods in the Steam Mod Workshop. All unsubscribe and I don't see any of them in the workshop folder. No fix.

Is there a cap to how many modules we can install and use? If so why is the number for the cap different for either the Steam and GoG version?
How do I fix this problem so that there is no limit to how many modules/mods I can install?

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