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Mod Questions


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I would like to know if you need the creators permission to make a add-on I guess you'd call it to a mod. This is the mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20801/?tab=2&navtag=/ajax/modimages/?user=0|:|id=20801


What I would be doing is basically making a new .bat file that would combine any new mods I ADD to it. It wouldn't include ANY work he has done but this would just add the mod files that I would add to it.


Or should I just make my own mod that ONLY has the textures/mods that I wan't in it?

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I think that making a new .bat file will bring confusion in the users, since they'll have his .bat plus yours to manage.


If you find a way to create a .bat that will manage his .bat, you can do it.


Otherwise imho you have to ask permissions, so you can use his assets, add your stuff and tell people to overwrite his file.

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I think that making a new .bat file will bring confusion in the users, since they'll have his .bat plus yours to manage.


If you find a way to create a .bat that will manage his .bat, you can do it.


Otherwise imho you have to ask permissions, so you can use his assets, add your stuff and tell people to overwrite his file.


what if I made a completely new mod?

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If you create your own .bat file (that will pretty much do the same thing as the other mod) you must be aware that the author may claim that you copied his assets.


You'll have to proove that it's your own work and all you took from him was "the idea of making a .bat file that merges textures".


I think the best way is at least talk to him, to avoid future misunderstandings.

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