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Enhanced Camera's 1st person animations go away with Project Nevada


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I am pretty sure this been an issue for a good amount of time between the two mods but here is my question. I love Project Nevada, it adds in that cool visor view thing, lets me play the game the way I want to play it, however one of my main issues is that the 1st person, death and sitting animations go away when Project Nevada is enabled. I know this because I used enhanced camera without Project Nevada in Fallout New California and when I was killed it was in third person. Now I am one of those guys who love to play the Classic Bethesda Fallout Games aka Fallout 3 and this one as immersive as possible. This means I am extremely fond of first person animations just because I have a personal touch to them, they appear to be better in my opinion, So if anyone with these two mods found a solution to this probably long issue between the two mods then please respond I will greatly appreciate it. Also when I played New California there may of been another mod but I am almost sure this one gets rid of it. Also I checked the configuration file for Enhanced Camera and everything was set to 1.

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I play with both those mods, also primarily play in 1st person view, and do not have either problem (death or sitting animations). So you have something else going on.


Please provide ALL the information requested in the wiki "How to ask for help" article. Don't forget to identify things that do not appear in the "load order", such as if you are using a "regional language version" of the game; using the FNV4GB Patch, NVSE and it's related plugins; replacements for textures (specifically their larger image sizes: 1024x1024, etc.), animations, or "bodies", etc.; and "post-processors" like ENB or SweetFX. It saves us playing "20 questions" and gets you a more specific answer more quickly. (The usual turn-around on post and reply in an older game forum is 24 hours.)

* See "How to markup images (etc) in forum posts and comments" article for how to use "Spoiler tags". LOOT already includes those tags in the "load order" it copies to your clipboard, so you can just paste it's list into your post.


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Alright so I am going to now give you all my information related to this issue. First off I have a lot of mods (a little under 100) and plugins ( a little over 100) which almost always leads to issues including minor ones like these. So in order for you to be able to help me with this issue here is my current load order.

This is my list of mods:




"0065","(Original Size) Consistent Pip-Boy Icons","Enabled"
"0072","A Difference of Opinion","Enabled"
"0012","A World Of Pain (AWOP)","Enabled"
"0085","Action Camera","Disabled"
"0099","Alternate Sympathy for the Devil File","Enabled"
"0013","Animated Chems (Old)","Disabled"
"0075","Assets Salt Lake Stories","Disabled"
"0066","Asurah Animation pack","Enabled"
"0014","AWOP Dead Money 2.0","Enabled"
"0108","B42 Quickthrow","Enabled"
"0067","Caravan Pack Weapons Ironsight Fix","Enabled"
"0102","CASM NV 1 0 2b","Enabled"
"0016","Cazaclaws 1.1","Enabled"
"0017","Chem Control v1.7","Disabled"
"0068","Classic Pack Weapons Ironsight Fix","Enabled"
"0064","Cliffside Mystery Final","Disabled"
"0089","Combat Enhancer","Disabled"
"0018","Courier Ranger Armor V2.0a","Enabled"
"0090","Cover Based Stealth v1","Disabled"
"0069","Dead Money DLC weapons ironsight fix","Enabled"
"0019","Desert Theme Alt Textures","Disabled"
"0010","DLC: CaravanPack","Enabled"
"0009","DLC: ClassicPack","Enabled"
"0008","DLC: DeadMoney","Enabled"
"0011","DLC: GunRunnersArsenal","Enabled"
"0007","DLC: HonestHearts","Enabled"
"0006","DLC: LonesomeRoad","Enabled"
"0005","DLC: MercenaryPack","Enabled"
"0004","DLC: OldWorldBlues","Enabled"
"0003","DLC: TribalPack","Enabled"
"0091","Enemy AI","Disabled"
"0021","Enhanced Blood Textures","Enabled"
"0105","Enhanced Camera 1.4c","Enabled"
"0088","Enhanced NPC Awareness 1.0.2","Disabled"
"0076","ESM Salt Lake Stories","Disabled"
"0080","ExplosivesImmunityFix v0.1 Beta","Enabled"
"0022","F4Quickloot 1.06","Enabled"
"0023","Fallout Character Overhaul 3.0","Enabled"
"0025","FNV DL heavy blaster","Enabled"
"0087","FOOK esms","Enabled"
"0086","FOOK Required Files","Enabled"
"0070","Gun Runners Arsenal weapons ironsight fix","Enabled"
"0079","hires diffuse maps","Enabled"
"0027","Hitman - Agent 47 in New Vegas Update","Enabled"
"0028","Hitman Missions BETA","Enabled"
"0029","Hitman's 1st person Weapon Animation Overhaul","Disabled"
"0110","Immersive Hit Reactions","Enabled"
"0030","Improved Throwing","Enabled"
"0092","Inventory Search 1","Enabled"
"0109","JIP LN NVSE Plugin","Enabled"
"0031","JIP Selective-Fire","Enabled"
"0084","Letters glowmap","Enabled"
"0032","Live Dismember 1.5 hotfix","Disabled"
"0034","Locations 3 21 14","Enabled"
"0063","main fil","Enabled"
"0061","Main file","Enabled"
"0093","MD1 Molecular Disruptor 1.3.2","Enabled"
"0036","More Perks","Enabled"
"0037","Nevada Skies","Enabled"
"0114","New World P 3","Enabled"
"0073","New World Parliament - Audio fix","Disabled"
"0038","NV Interiors Addon 1.21","Enabled"
"0094","NV Monorail Project (v1.03)","Enabled"
"0039","NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash","Enabled"
"0041","NVInteriors Combo Edition","Enabled"
"0040","NVInteriors Core","Enabled"
"0101","Octavian's Fallout 4 UI - Main File GREEN","Enabled"
"0112","One HUD (oHUD)","Enabled"
"0083","Pip-Boy 2000 Mk VI replacer version","Enabled"
"0045","Pizza Roller","Enabled"
"0042","Plasma Cutter - V1.0","Enabled"
"0043","Project Nevada","Enabled"
"0081","Project Nevada - DLC Support","Enabled"
"0096","Remember Selected Ammo","Enabled"
"0044","Remington 870 Wingmaster v2.1","Enabled"
"0046","Riot Gear Neck Cover","Enabled"
"0047","SA80 - L85A2","Enabled"
"0049","Sit Anywhere","Enabled"
"0050","Skeletons In the Mojave","Enabled"
"0082","Solid Project","Enabled"
"0051","Someguy Series 2 dot","Disabled"
"0052","StarModelBSuper v1.0","Enabled"
"0100","Sympathy For The Devil - Recalibration Patch","Enabled"
"0053","Tesla Rifle","Enabled"
"0054","Test Shooting Range v1.80","Enabled"
"0055","The Commando - Rifle Animation Pack","Disabled"
"0103","The Groovatron NV v1-0 and fix","Enabled"
"0107","The North Road Remastered","Enabled"
"0056","The Operator Now With Weapon Mods","Disabled"
"0077","This one","Enabled"
"0057","UIO - User Interface Organizer","Enabled"
"0059","Unified HUD Project v","Enabled"
"0002","Unmanaged: NewCalifornia","Enabled"
"0001","Unmanaged: NewCalifornia Courier Stash Control","Enabled"
"0000","Unmanaged: NewCalifornia DLC Control","Enabled"
"0071","Vanilla weapon ironsight fix (Non - DLC)","Enabled"
"0074","various resources stuff","Enabled"
"0097","WebleyFosbery v1.1","Enabled"
"0078","What a time it was","Enabled"
"0098","WinchesterModel12 v1.0","Enabled"



This is my list of mods that have priority over others. The highest priority will never be overwritten which is 114. Note that I am not using all of these mods.


My current load order:



# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.
FOOK - New Vegas.esm
FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esm
JIP Selective-Fire.esm
A Difference of Opinion.esm
Project Nevada - Core.esm
More Perks.esm
Project Nevada - Equipment.esm
Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp
Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp
FOOK - New Vegas.esp
NVInteriors Addon.esp
FCO - NPC Changes.esp
FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esp
Sympathy For The Devil.esp
Hitman - Agent 47.esp
Cazaclaw Resource.esp
dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp
Improved Throwing1.esp
Realistic Lead - Bullet Ballistics.esp
Sit Anywhere.esp
ZoomingScope resetFOV.esp
AWOP Merged Together.esp
More Perks Update.esp
The Groovatron NV.esp
FNV DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol (First-Person Scope).esp
FNV DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol (No First-Person Scope).esp
Project Nevada - Dead Money.esp
Project Nevada - Gun Runners' Arsenal.esp
Project Nevada - Honest Hearts.esp
Project Nevada - Lonesome Road.esp
Riot Gear Neck Cover.esp
Project Nevada - Old World Blues.esp
Crippled Limbs and Disembering Overall.esp
Inventory Search.esp
FCO - OHSB NPC Edits.esp
OF4UI - No Loading Screen Text.esp
Immersive Hit Reactions.esp
The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
NevadaSkies - Ultimate DLC Edition.esp
NevadaSkies - Basic Edition.esp




The farthest down one is the one loaded last of course this can lead to issues however I have sorted this using LOOT.

This is what I have currently now I am going to show you what I had enabled during Fallout New California.

Also the enhanced camera is not being overwritten by anything so that makes this even more confusing.

Anyways my New California mod-list



"0012","(Original Size) Consistent Pip-Boy Icons","Enabled"
"0015","Animated Chems (Old)","Enabled"
"0067","Asurah Animation pack","Enabled"
"0011","DLC: CaravanPack","Enabled"
"0010","DLC: ClassicPack","Enabled"
"0009","DLC: DeadMoney","Enabled"
"0008","DLC: GunRunnersArsenal","Enabled"
"0007","DLC: HonestHearts","Enabled"
"0006","DLC: LonesomeRoad","Enabled"
"0005","DLC: MercenaryPack","Enabled"
"0004","DLC: OldWorldBlues","Enabled"
"0003","DLC: TribalPack","Enabled"
"0028","Enhanced Blood Textures","Enabled"
"0030","ExplosivesImmunityFix v0.1 Beta","Enabled"
"0031","F4Quickloot 1.06","Enabled"
"0032","Fallout Character Overhaul 3.0","Enabled"
"0041","JIP LN NVSE Plugin","Enabled"
"0042","JIP Selective-Fire","Enabled"
"0043","Live Dismember 1.5 hotfix","Enabled"
"0050","Nevada Skies","Enabled"
"0053","NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash","Enabled"
"0068","Solid Project","Enabled"
"0077","UIO - User Interface Organizer","Enabled"
"0079","Unified HUD Project v","Enabled"
"0002","Unmanaged: NewCalifornia","Enabled"
"0001","Unmanaged: NewCalifornia Courier Stash Control","Enabled"
"0000","Unmanaged: NewCalifornia DLC Control","Enabled"



This works the same as before the higher the number the more it overwrites.

This is also what worked with the enhanced camera as you can see no project Nevada a few animation packs though.

And of course the load order



# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.
Animated Chems.esp
dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp
FCO - NPC Changes.esp
FCO - OHSB NPC Edits.esp
NevadaSkies - Ultimate DLC Edition.esp
NevadaSkies - Basic Edition.esp
NewCalifornia Courier Stash Control.esp
NewCalifornia DLC Control.esp
JIP Selective-Fire.esm




As you can see a much smaller number of mods.

In case if you were wondering here are my specs in which I usually play on high with base setting except actor rendering at max. I get mostly 30 to 50 fps. I also deal with some audio glitches and gun "lag"
This is a 500 dollar laptop for gaming that i got a year and a half ago.



Processor: AMD FX-7500 Radeon R7, 10 compute cores

Installed RAM: 8.00 GB (6.93 GB usable)

System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

max resolution: 1366 by 768



I hope I gave you enough information this time sorry for the lazy reply I was in the middle of the game so you can see this is more of a personal issue rather than a game issue well it is a game issue but not too extreme.




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First of all let's clear up some fundamental issues, going by your "load order" list.
* Don't install every optional file for a mod. Read the install instructions carefully. Optional files need to be selected on a "case by case" basis. For example: with any mod you usually only need one ESP (and possibly one ESM) "base" file depending upon whether you have all the DLCs active or not. Only if you don't have them all active do you need to install any specific DLC versions if there is an "Ultimate Edition/All/Merged DLC" version.

* If you are running 'oHUD", then you don't need "iHUD" installed as well; it is already included in "oHUD".
* You are supposed to only use one of "NevadaSkies - Ultimate DLC Edition.esp" and "NevadaSkies - Basic Edition.esp". As you have the DLC installed, use that version. (This is clearly stated under "Install Instructions" on the mod description page.)
* Perhaps you have a reason to not use it (in which case just ignore this), but consider using the "Project Nevada - All DLC.esp" from PN "Extra Options" instead of the individual PN DLC plugins as you have all the DLC installed. It will save you some plugin slots and that is always desirable, even though you are currently well under the "plugin cap".
* You should only be using one of "FNV DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol (First-Person Scope).esp" and "FNV DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol (No First-Person Scope).esp". (Only the last of them to load is actually used anyway.) This, along with the "Nevada Skies" and "iHUD" plugins, strongly suggests you are not paying sufficient attention to mod installation instructions. I leave it to you to recheck all of your mods for similar unnecessary or conflicting optional files.
* FOOK and "Project Nevada" have conflicts. See the mod FOOK - Project Nevada Convergence.
* Note that there is a patch file for "B42 Quickthrow" and "oHUD or iHUD" you should install. I also note that it installs it's own "skeleton.nif" file. There can only be one used by all humanoids in the game, and it is a possibility (as this is a VERY new mod) that NIF is not fully compatible with all other mods.

Please see the 'Common Game Problems', 'Third Rule: The Rule of One', and 'Merge Patch File' sections of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article.


Now to your animation problem:

I see you are using several animation related mods such as "Asurah Reanimation Pack", "Crippled Limbs and Disembering Overall.esp", "Immersive Hit Reactions.esp", and "Quickthrow.esp" (which I believe is "B42 Quickthrow"). This is one difference between your setup and mine, which might explain your problem with those animations. However, the "sit" animations are located in the "Fallout - Meshes.BSA" file under "Data\Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims" with various names such as "chairskirt_leftenter.kf" and "sitchairdrinktalka.kf". There are some "death" related idles as well such as "3rdp_specialidle_mezzdeath.kf" and "mq11playersdeath.kf". That folder tree is not present in "Asurah Reanimation Pack", so I don't see how it might be preventing them. That you had it included in your games where you did not have the problem with the anmations is confirmatio of that. I couldn't identify the source of the "Crippled Limbs and Disembering Overall.esp" to check what files it installs, and "Immersive Hit Reactions.esp" doesn't replace any "KF" files (it's just an ESP file), but might interfere with the use of those animations.

I recommend you try two simple things first to resolve the animation problem: 1) toggle "ArchiveInvalidation" off-and-on-again every time you change your "load order", and 2) create a "merge patch" file. If they are not sufficient to resolve the problem, then try disabling all the mentioned "candidate" animation conflicts I mentioned above from your test profile and see if the problem is resolved. If it is, then re-activate them one by one and test between each to identify which is the culprit.


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So I did most of your suggestions except for getting the convergence file for FOOK and Project Neveda, this is because when I try to install Project Neveda Extra Options it tells me the operation is not supported and couldn't find the Fallout New Vegas.dll with error code 5 note that I am using mod organizer 2 so this an operation error. I tried installing it with FOMM and it just crashes the applicaton.


Also just a quick question, are you really 71 years old? Your profile shows it so it confused me a lot.

Anyways going to test it now thanks for all of the help.


Edit: Oh one more thing, crippling limbs and dismemberment overall is my own little plugin made with the geck, it simple makes enemies get crippled easier including players along with 1/3 damage to arms, 1/2 damage to legs and 2 times damage for head for players and enemies.

Edited by mshane951
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Anytime you have unexpected "issues" with a mod, it's something to be concerned about. This especially applies when you have a "basic function" problem, such as two animations (out of the dozens that exist in the base game) that are not working correctly.


You've now identified a couple of problems, so we need to focus on resolving them one at a time.


* Be aware that one error may mask a number of other errors, which will not appear until those masking them have been resolved. Building a stable game consists of resolving each problem individually until none remain, and then realizing that every change you make thereafter (including updates to mods already installed) run the risk of introducing new problems. Be prepared to revert to a previous save if you do so.

1) Beginning with the "animation" problem, start by "deactivating" mods until you can tell which seems to be causing the problem. Start with your personal "crippling limbs" mod (because you are the only person who has it and it is the easiest to eliminate as a suspect). Then the other potential mods that might affect animations, and then FOOK and PN. If you still have the problem with either of those animations, then follow the 'Mod Conflict Isolation' section of the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" article.


2) Re:

try to install Project Neveda Extra Options it tells me the operation is not supported and couldn't find the Fallout New Vegas.dll with error code 5


This is another problem that should be resolved, but wait until the animation issue is resolved first. However, I am not clear if this is a problem with FOOK, or PN Extra Options, or MO2. Is "error code 5" from Windows or MO2? I have no idea what "Fallout New Vegas.dll" belongs to, as I don't have it in my installation, so I presume it is from FOOK (which I don't have either) or Convergence. But we can deal with it later.


3) Re: FOMM failed install. Were you using the "FOMM - Fork" version? The original one has known problems the "fork" fixes.


Finally, yes: my profile is correct. What confused you about it?



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