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Change mesh and texture of bound weapons


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In the weapon window there's a little dropdown with "1stPersonxxxxxxxxxxxxxx".


In the object window select *all and filter with "1stPerson", edit the 1stpersondeadricxxxx path to your new mesh (or create a new 1stperson object and give it your path).


Then, if you created a new, put it in the dropdown. If not, you should be good.

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That didn't change the Bound ethereal daedric Sword, only the regular one. I tried changing the 1stPersonBoundSword as well, but doesn't work out.




I'm unable to locate the path of the textures the Bound Sword uses, could that have any say in this?

Edited by Crimson946
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I'm going to have to admit to a shameless bump; this has been bugging me all f* day.




I have results! For those interested.


It seems that when I add TWO meshes inside weapons/boundweapons/ and name them BoundSword00 and BoundSword01, I get the wanted mesh both during summoning and wielding. The only thing is: It's inside the ethereal daedric texture and mesh. What now?

Edited by Crimson946
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