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Armor and weapons rating problem


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Hey guys,


I just started a new game and i noticed an ..bug?...all armors have 0 armor rating..and it doesn't matter if i am naked or i have full dragonplate armor my hp drops exactly the same. also i noticed that all weapons in skyui list says that it have 7k dmg or 4k but on description says that i have 700 or 400 depends on weapon (i still think its kinda high for a lvl 1 no perks and no nothing to have that dmg)...and all arrows have 1 dmg point.


I currently play The Dryad but i switched to nord and its the same ..so the race isn't the problem...i don't have mods that touch perks or ratings installed ... also dawnguard installed


So any ideas ..suggestions ?


Thank you,


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