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Animated Katana


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then I'm not allowed to use his resources. I'm probably going to do this for a lot of other blades,mostly daggers, so there may be others that you like.

How good are you with blender and nifskope? It's simple enough to create the meshes and then it's just a case of adding the scripts I made. As long as it's done for personal use it's okay.

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I've donwloaded this mod and will be converting a couple of katanas from it.


As I've said I can't use resource without permission, so you have to choose between a different sword with offhand scabbard or that sword.


If you find any swords you'd like to have offhand scabbards for, that are allowed to be used then let me know

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make a backup of every nif each time you edit it incase you mess up!


open nifskope and load the weapon. at the same time open any shield in nifskope.


In the shield you need to remove the collision branches and any NiTriShape branches.

Then you'll need to copy the NiTriShape branches from the sword. Any that are named sword, hilt,handle etc, also open the NiNode for the scabbard (scb) and copy the NiTriShape branches from there.

All of these branches should be copies into the NiNode - Shield. Make sure you're selecting copy BRANCH and paste branch.


now you should have the sword in the shield nif.

Save this as something along the lines of offhandsheathwithweapon

In the nifskope for the weapon, remove everything in the NiNode for the Scabbard, but leave the NiNode (this stops the PC from having a scabbard on his/her hip) Save this. Then delete all the NITriShape branches and save this as "...invisible" this will be the sword on your hip when you sheath your weapon, so you wont see it.


Add the nif offhandsheathwithweapon into the game on a fresh plugin, you should add it as clothing in the shield slot. Add it in a chest, then load the game, go find the chest and save with your PC next to the chest. I had to keep going in and out of the game to check as I adjusted the nif in blender, so it's easier to be right next to the item location.


Import offhandsheathwithweapon into blender. You need to select all the items you imported from the sword nif, and only those items. You'll need to rotate and move the items by trial and error. I ended up with the sword appearing upside down. I'm not competent with blender so I'm not even going to try to tell you how to do anything with it. Export the file whenever you make a change. Export it with the same name and to the same location as the nif you used in game, this way it replaces the one you're using. Load oblivion and check if it's right and continue to make adjustments as needed.


Once you have it right open the nif in nifskope. Delete at the NiTriShape branches for the sword NOT the scabbard. Then save this nif as offhandsheathwithoutweapon. Now you have two offhand sheaths. One that appears to have a weapon and one that doesn't.

Add the new sheath to the game, just edit the name of the offhandsheathwithweapon item ingame to ...withoutweapon... then change the file path for the nif.


Add the two nifs you created for the swords.


If you manage all that post back and I'll tell you the next steps.


Remember to clearly name your nifs

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don't take this the wrong way, but if you don't know that much then you're not going to be able to do anything in blender. Nifskope is very basic, especially compared to blender.

I don't have the knowledge or especially the time to explain how either works.

If you have your heart set on an offhand sheath you'll have to pick a different weapon, sorry.

Edited by cfh85
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