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Chance's Knife Retexture


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Hi there, got another request for a mod.


This time around I was wondering if anyone could do a retexture of Chance's Knife. I'd like to see three things done with the retex:


1 -- Remove the blood stains from the blade


2 -- Remove the grit and worn appearance from the blade. It should look like it did in the "All Roads" comic. For reference see the image from the Wiki page: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb57525/fallout/images/4/4b/AR-ChancesKnife.jpg


3 -- Make the knife's handle one shade darker than it currently is. I don't want a pitch black handle, just a shade darker than what it is currently.



Big thanks to anyone who considers/undertakes this request.

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Hi there, got another request for a mod.


This time around I was wondering if anyone could do a retexture of Chance's Knife. I'd like to see three things done with the retex:


1 -- Remove the blood stains from the blade


2 -- Remove the grit and worn appearance from the blade. It should look like it did in the "All Roads" comic, minus the gold hilt. For reference see the image from the Wiki page: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb57525/fallout/images/4/4b/AR-ChancesKnife.jpg


3 -- Make the knife's handle one shade darker than it currently is. I don't want a pitch black handle, just a shade darker than what it is currently.



Big thanks to anyone who considers/undertakes this.

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