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Starting anew and blank - looking for mods!


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After playing skyrim about 10 times over, spanning almot 8 years i got tired with it and quit... but it starts itching again to pick up that old masterpiece and give it another - compltely different spin!


I already found a mod called You are Not the Dragonborn. And that suits my idea perfectly!


I'm looking for as many mods as possible to completely flip my gaming experience with Skyrim. I still love the world, the lore and the feel of the game and want to return to it, but not to all the boring quests.

What i want to do is take on the role of an adventurer with no special ties to any quest, group, whatever. Just me and the wild and all the things to explore and to - mostly - play modded quests. Honestly i grew very tired of the standard questlines and i want to build a whole new story, but as immersive as possible, so i'm also playing with Frostfall installed.

So are there any other mods that i should check out for this? Anything that completely alters or even removes the quests like College of Winterhold, Descerning the Transmundane, anything concerning any guilds... you know.. the standard mandatory stuff that gets boring after the 10th playtrough.

Any must-have mods you reccomend for my idea?





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You dont really need to belong to a faction but if you dont even pledge allegiance to an idea or a theme Id guess youre gonna become a generalist stealth archer spellsword and get bored again.

I hope not! I guess i will joing some factions one or another but i haven't dicided which ones yet. Mostly i dislike the College so that's why i mentioned that one, and i also dislike the idea of being both the leader of the Dark Brotherhood, a Nightingale, an Archmage, Harbinger of the Companions and the leader of whatnot all at the same time. Can't i just be and avarage crazy adventurer joe?

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You dont really need to belong to a faction but if you dont even pledge allegiance to an idea or a theme Id guess youre gonna become a generalist stealth archer spellsword and get bored again.

I hope not! I guess i will joing some factions one or another but i haven't dicided which ones yet. Mostly i dislike the College so that's why i mentioned that one, and i also dislike the idea of being both the leader of the Dark Brotherhood, a Nightingale, an Archmage, Harbinger of the Companions and the leader of whatnot all at the same time. Can't i just be and avarage crazy adventurer joe?



Yeah I agree doing everything is a bad idea, except for the first playthrough maybe. I can tell you about some ideas I have for my future playthroughs, maybe you can abstract something for yourself.


Character 1: Female Mage (Witch) that will use evil to her own benefit if she feels like it, will join the college and become archmage, will join the Dark Brotherhood but not complete it, doesnt hurt to have some Assassin friends, right? Will dispose of Cicero since hes a nutcase and potential danger, especially since she (my char) doesnt care for Sithis or the Nightmother. Will join the Thieves guild but not become a nightingale. Is not Dragonborn.


Character 2: Dragonborn Warrior that cant use spells, but utilizes the Thunderchild mod for better shouts. He is a gift to the mortals from Kyne. Will vanquish the dragon scourge and fight worthy opponents he comes across. Will join the companions but not become a werewolf or really pursue their goals much.


You can also check out Fudgemuppets videos on Youtube, they do alright Skyrim character builds, though almost all of them end up dragonborn which bothers me since through the help of modding there are better options.

In my experience you need 4 things to build a character from which every other decision flows: Sex, Race, Class, Morality

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