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Reposting Question


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Basically I'm making a big mod (an island), and I want to get some feedback on it. Because its so big its not close to finish yet. Will I be able to repost it at a later date or is it going to be classed as a repost??


I just want to get some form of feedback lol - Some things are looking quite nice in it.

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It seems to me that there is nothing wrong with this sort of repost. When you are done with your open beta, you can either change that download point into a page for your public release version, or you could pull that mod down and upload your new version on a permanent page.


I think reposting is only bad if you upload someone else's work without permission, or if you spam the Nexus and upload your mod multiple times and waste server memory and add unnecessary entries to the list of mods available for download. Another bad repost would be if your mod was against the rules or illegal and they made you pull it down, but then you snuck it back up. But I imagine you are not talking about this sort of reposts.

Edited by David Brasher
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