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Dawnguard - Always Can Cure Serana Vampirism after Harkon death


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Hi guys



I'm playing Dawnguard when suddenly, i have to kill Harkon


I'm thinking "yay after that i can heal Serana vampirism"


But i cant and after some videos on youtube i see THE PHRASE that i have to choose between and this is at the beginning of the dlc (when serana come back to dawnguard fort after volkihar castle (dawnguard side))


Just cause i took the wrong phrase (i ve been thinking that she is the right phrase in the moment) 20 hours of playing ago, i cant heal Serana of the vampirism and i think A LOT of people that happen


So, can someone can do a mod for this ? (Just add right dialog line to go her to Fallion and heal her)






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If you haven't got the "I'm not talking about this with you any more." line yet after finishing the main dawnguard quest on the Dawnguard side, and you already have asked her about getting a cure and got the "I'm not letting go of this gift" line, try the following console command:


setPapyrusQuestVar XX002b6e ToldPlayerSheDidntWantCure_var False


The game will act like you've never asked her about the cure before the end of the main quest. If you ask her about that, you'll get the "No... why?" line, and from there it's ridiculously easy to get her to cure herself.


A person with more scripting abilities than me can use that knowledge to maybe make the mod as requested.


Note: The XX there is the number Dawnguard is in our load order. If it's the third file, it'll be 02 IIRC.

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  • 3 months later...

Something isn't working for me, i have the Dawnguar.esp as a third file in loading order, but could someone give me exact line i have to write into the console.


Also, what "IIRC" means ?


Thank You.

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