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Where do you go when you die?


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So I was wondering, where would you go if you are say a Nord/Werewolf/Nightingale? Would you go to Sovengarde, or serve Hircine in the hunting grounds, or protect the Nightingale hall(?)? What makes the decision? Is there a special place for the Dovahkiin?
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The strongest entity you serve is where you will end up. As a dragonborn you most likely will end up with Akatosh, unless you serve some of the stronger daedras.

And in the end you will end up in the void under Sithis. As he is timeless, the Daedra and Aedra are not. They can die, and will die. At which you'd move to the void.

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The strongest entity you serve is where you will end up. As a dragonborn you most likely will end up with Akatosh, unless you serve some of the stronger daedras.

And in the end you will end up in the void under Sithis. As he is timeless, the Daedra and Aedra are not. They can die, and will die. At which you'd move to the void.

Daedra are immortal, and the aedra reside as the earthbones of mundus and have no realm of their own any more.


In the end, it depends on the circumstances of your death. Lycanthropy, being a curse/blessing would trump any obligation to Nocturnal and prevents a Nord from Sovengarde so Hircine would "win". Presumable you'd end up in the void if you were killed by the Dark Brotherhood, because they serve Sithis (aka Padomey) and he is the most powerful entity in TES.


Shor, otherwise known as Lorkhan, the prince of liberty, was "killed" by Trinimac at the Adamantium tower for his betrayal. Sovengarde is merely a part of Aetherius and not its own realm. Shor resides there because he is the hero god of mankind and the enemy of all elves. He isn't Aedra because he tricked them into creating Mundus, but he isn't a daedra either because he took part in it's creation. He is one of the original spirits which the most powerful Aedra and Daedra belong too as his the first born of Sithis.

Edited by Blackraptor31
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Ooh! I like this topic, been wondering that myself too for quite a while, I guess that means my main will end up in Molag Bal's realm 'cause hes a vampire?
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Ooh! I like this topic, been wondering that myself too for quite a while, I guess that means my main will end up in Molag Bal's realm 'cause hes a vampire?

Vampires are immortal. I'm not sure Molag Bal would appreciate you squandering his gift, or if he would even care that much since it's "just a disease" and you can't be a true daughter of cold harbour. There is nothing in the lore that dictates vampires return to molag's realm upon death.

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Let me get this back on the right track.


Shor is an Aedra. Shor is an aspect or Lorkhan.


When you die, your soul eventually goes to the Dreamsleeve. Even when you are in the service of a Daedric Lord, you may eventually enter the Sleeve (and the key to this is time may run out, or the specific sphere of the Void may be altered). Think of the different mantling's of Sheogorath (Arden-Sul) for example. This is actually formed on the real world principle that given enough time anything can happen. And I'm talking 10 to the 100th to the 90th power. A ridiculous amount of time. Anyway, any Daedric overruled soul can go to the Dreamsleeve, it's just determined with time and fate (or the backwards projection of time).


Aedric souls go to the Dreamsleeve as well. And, Sovngarde is in fact part of the Dreamsleeve. It is the Nordic-Anuic "dream". Since that is exactly what the Dreamsleeve does. It is your dream while your soul is washed to be recycled. As it is a dream, you can send telepathic messages through the Sleeve (which is another use for it). The souls are washed in hopes that they can one day achieve divinity (Zero Sum), regardless of their past. In this way this emotionless machine that some see as evil, is really trying to give every entity it's chance at ruling it's own dream universe made real.

Edited by Enatiomorph
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Let me get this back on the right track.


Shor is an Aedra. Shor is an aspect or Lorkhan.


When you die, your soul eventually goes to the Dreamsleeve. Even when you are in the service of a Daedric Lord, you may eventually enter the Sleeve (and the key to this is time may run out, or the specific sphere of the Void may be altered). Think of the different mantling's of Sheogorath (Arden-Sul) for example. This is actually formed on the real world principle that given enough time anything can happen. And I'm talking 10 to the 100th to the 90th power. A ridiculous amount of time. Anyway, any Daedric overruled soul can go to the Dreamsleeve, it's just determined with time and fate (or the backwards projection of time).


Aedric souls go to the Dreamsleeve as well. And, Sovngarde is in fact part of the Dreamsleeve. It is the Nordic-Anuic "dream". Since that is exactly what the Dreamsleeve does. It is your dream while your soul is washed to be recycled. As it is a dream, you can send telepathic messages through the Sleeve (which is another use for it). The souls are washed in hopes that they can one day achieve divinity (Zero Sum), regardless of their past. In this way this emotionless machine that some see as evil, is really trying to give every entity it's chance at ruling it's own dream universe made real.


The dreamsleeve is where souls go to be recycled. It only happens to some souls who enter it via Aetherius. Souls in oblivion don't have that option.


As to who decides where you go when you die. Providing you don't serve a daedric lord who makes the choice for you, mortals actually choose their afterlife from various "less-than-perfect" spheres in Aetherius. Sovengarde is the choice of most nords.

Akatosh/Auriel actually has very little power anymore. He is not able to manifest themselves like Daedra can nor can he influence small things. Instead he elects to use his limited power to shape the course of the future in subtle ways (for ex; giving a single person a slight advantage in life and gently nudges them in the right direction, ie the PC in all the TES games)

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Woah, that is pretty interesting. If Akatosh is merely a "plane" taken into planet-shape, that would mean that Aetherius was created by something greater? Perhaps a multiverse exists, where there are Gods of their own universe? What I don't understand is why Akatosh cares so much about Nirn. Perhaps the Thalmor would evolve into an advanced civilization in which they would eventually overthrow all Aedra and Daedra?


Sorry if i'm veering off. :psyduck:


Vampires are immortal. I'm not sure Molag Bal would appreciate you squandering his gift, or if he would even care that much since it's "just a disease" and you can't be a true daughter of cold harbour. There is nothing in the lore that dictates vampires return to molag's realm upon death.


Wouldn't that mean that they would go to oblivion by that logic?

Edited by MrGoldenAge
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