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Skyrim crashing when saving the game


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People reading this currently, if you have used SkyUI before, and uninstalled it. This error will occur. As another user has mentioned, and as i have just tested. If you have used SkyUI in a game save, and then quit, unload SkyUI, and return to that game save, or any save that used SkyUI, This error WILL occur.

You will need to reinstall SkyUI or return to a save before SkyUI was being used. Annoying huh?

Edited by Sam1Rose
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im uh


the kill self trick stoped working for me and i don't know what to do!

my current character is level 27 and the save file is 8.75Mb


If it helps, here's a list of all my mods i have installed.



(for those who know of the problem of realistic thunder sound, yes it is turned off)


my game also has problems with: fast traveling, entering certain buildings/areas (inside and outside), talking with people at certain points, trading.

im uhh, A little bit late. but were u using skyui, if you unsinstall skyui this error will happen

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