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Custom Dialogue borked again by the 1.7 patch?


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Once again a patch (1.7) has f'd up the custom dialogue in my quest mod. It's as if suddenly the dialogue just doesn't exist, even though I still see it in the CK where it should be, and the related quest *seems* to be operating correctly with all its aliases, etc.


The last time this happened, I had to completely rebuild my quest from scratch in order for it to function again. It took several months, and I'm just not willing to go through it again.


Did anyone succeed in fixing their dialogue issues after the last patch that broke them, and if so can you recall what fixed it? I'm hoping for a way to do it that might only require me to redo the dialogue and not the whole .esp, or something even better.




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I think someone reported it was only new quests, or altered dialogue. I'm not sure... I'm going to see if my quests were affected (I have not altered them since patch) now...


EDIT: After playing the mod, nothing seems wrong with any existing quests. Then again I did not attempt to edit their dialogue.

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Generally saving with the mod loaded and then loading that save will get the dialogue to show--the Skyrim 1.7 bug is such that it's just the first time a mod is loaded that its dialogue doesn't display.


It's a serious bug and I don't think it's a matter of we modders needing to do anything, so much as it is Bethesda needing to fix the bug.


If you don't want to wait for that, I have seen reports that this bug happens only (?) with dialogue in start-game enabled quests. So you might be able to rework your quests a bit, have a start-game enabled quest without dialogue script the start of your quest(s) that do have dialogue. Haven't tested that myself, though.

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@ DreamKingMods:


WHEW! I just tried the save then load again trick and thank bujeezus it worked. What an odd bug... I'm so used to the problems having to do with old data lodged in a save that I certainly would have never thought of trying that. KUDO!


@ Korodic: Thanks for taking the time to test your quests out in the name of uh... science. Now we know. :biggrin: You already have a KUDO with my name on it somewhere in your knap-sack.

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