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Having Some Strange Texture Or Mesh Issues


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I just started installing mods today and I seem to be having some issues. All I've managed to narrow it down to at the moment is textures in Caeser's New Regime but it could be effecting some of the other mod content and I haven't noticed. Basically, at first the textures were missing so I downloaded an older version and manually installed the textures and everything else relevant into the data folder. Then when I load up the game, the legion actually have visible bodies again and the new armour designs seem to be in effect except they keep changing colour or looking like rocks instead of the actual armour colours. Hopefully this image will explain it better.


I'm pretty sure it's not about Archive Invalidation (but I could easily be wrong) as I followed the nexus wiki's tutorial on that and that seemed to go fine.


I imagine this is pretty simple to fix for someone who knows what they're doing so I'd be grateful for any help in pointing me in the right direction.


Uh and sorry if this is in the wrong forum. Wasn't sure if this should be in troubleshooting or technical support or somewhere else entirely.


In case this helps, I'm using a Steam version with all the DLC bar Courier's Stash, Nexus Mod Manager and these mods:


Caeser's New Regime v1.2

Colossus XV Enclave Armour v2

New Vegas Bounties 1 (v 1.3)and 2 (v 1.25)

Legion Fort Meridius

Searchlight Airport V6

Discontinued Legion Armor Pack

Unique Courier Duster Names


EDIT: It seems to also be effecting the texture on the Enclave Laser Rifle from the Collosus XV mod now even though it was working fine before, and also the guns for the New Vegas Bounty Mods

Edited by Zarkai
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I'd guess that you prolly forgot something or made a mistake. Try again an keep learning.


It's not a strange issue. The textures are missing. So the render engine just puts a random texture on it anytime the render is updated. Archive invalidation would cause this, but it would also cause this on any texture replacer mods you have. Use NMM or FOMM to apply invalidation. U should have a ArchiveInvalidationInvaildated.BSA an also in the games .ini it should be listed as the first .BSA (way down near the bottom with the .BSA load list)


The load order could cause this, because of really lazy, stupid, or inexperienced modders. Textures can be applied with the GECK or in the actual mesh itself. It's not easy to figure out. So lots of people just take gigantic wacks at it with a hammer. Folder structure is also widely ignored. One of two things happened either the modder made a junky mod that is broken from your load order. Or you messed up the install somehow.


I doubt it's something you could fix. When I find this issue first I find the item it's happening on. Then I use FO3/FNV edit to find which mesh it uses also taking note how the textures are applied. Problems here where someone didn't spell something correct to even minor Capitalization compared to the assets installed. Recently I've found mods where the person just forgot to put texture folders inside the upload. You download the mod an it's missing content.

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