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CTD And Texture "checkerboard" problem help!


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heres my situation, i had a set of mods that i used yesterday that worked and now they dont. i had recently done a clean reinstall to put fook2 and fwe in the game but since they didnt work i deleted them and went to my usualy mods of Apocalypse Army, RTS, WMK, etc. and since i wanted to spice up my gameplay so it wasnt so boring and bleak i downloaded NMC's Lite texture pack for my pc and ever since i installed it i have problems such as this= (see Image I posted of the checkerboard effect just before it CTD). now if you need any info i will gladly give my info to you such as mod load order, mods, etc. i followed the instructions of the NMC texture pack and i though i did it right lol.



PS: i previously installed NMC Performance Pack but sinc emy pc could handle it very well i deleted the whole textures fold and Validated my game files (steam, but it only replace my fose launcher with the normal launcher... it didnt replace the textures ) so after the validation i installed the lite pack from NMC... hope you guys can help! BTW i am recieving a XFX Double D HD777A in the mail tomorrow and i am currently using a MAX Overclocked Geforce 8500 GT...i thought maybe the gpu went out from overclocking too much but hey what do i know lol...

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