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My Sigs


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First of all, upload it to this site ImageHost.

Then there will be a selection of code appear next to your image.

Choose the one that starts with



Then go to 'My Controls' which is near the navigation bar of the forum.

Scroll down the page until you find a section called 'Personal Profile'.

Under there is a link to 'Edit Signature'.

Click on that and you will arrive at a page that has a box like the one where you post.

Copy and paste the code mentioned above in to this box and click save.

It should then appear as your signature!

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Aaron i got a request for you if your up for it


can you make a sig for me called Garrus Vakeaien ( google his name i always get it wrong..)i got the font here + links to pictures




http://me-korea.wikispaces.com/file/view/garrus.jpg something off there

http://bioware.vo.llnwd.net/o1/masseffect/...21_1024x768.jpg ( use the image for a background )


like i said if your not up for it by all means dont worry about it!



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Changing character again Dunc? lol


Garrus is awesome, him and Kaidan were my party of choice.


yeah for now at least i know one person that might kick off a stir about it hehe



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Dunc, I have got most most of your sig done but I am having trouble with the name.

When entering the name in to google it found nothing about it.


So if you can try and remember the name then it will be done tomorrow.

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