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dawnguard heavy armor


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Just an idea, anyone think of making the dawnguard heavy armor look like heavy armor?

The gloves and boots are the same. Maybe throwing an armor plate on the front of the boot. Using a steel gauntlet for the hand.

Another idea I have is to use the witcher 2 northern plate or similar plate style and throwin them under the shoulder guards. Then using metal gauntlets with matching textures of course.

I opened up nifskope and to my horror the mesh was all one piece I couldn't delete the arms and put other ones on there.

Maybe I was doin something wrong. Otherwise I can't do blender never could get the hang of it.

Just an idea, wondering if someone else is interested in this as the dawnguard heavy is one of my favorite armors so far.

Really lends itself to the traveling knight, a little more practical than full plate.

I just think it needs to be a tad heavier.

Edited by Chauncy_McBaddass
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Just an idea, anyone think of making the dawnguard heavy armor look like heavy armor?

The gloves and boots are the same. Maybe throwing an armor plate on the front of the boot. Using a steel gauntlet for the hand.

Another idea I have is to use the witcher 2 northern plate or similar plate style and throwin them under the shoulder guards. Then using metal gauntlets with matching textures of course.

I opened up nifskope and to my horror the mesh was all one piece I couldn't delete the arms and put other ones on there.

Maybe I was doin something wrong. Otherwise I can't do blender never could get the hang of it.

Just an idea, wondering if someone else is interested in this as the dawnguard heavy is one of my favorite armors so far.

Really lends itself to the traveling knight, a little more practical than full plate.

I just think it needs to be a tad heavier.


i completely agree... i just don't know how to do any of that :biggrin:

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