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Dragon priests had verlet physics?


I always thought it was just animations



Will this be a noticeable load on the game like decrease in performance in any way? Because what is done with one thing will eventually be done with ALL things and how is the game going to handle all those things using vertlet at the same time?


with my limited knowledge of these things, I would think it'd be a big performance hit if EVERYTHING was to use it

I'd be ok with just hair and cloaks (big things in general, that are like cloaks) using this though


I'm hoping they can get it working without absolutely needing to use SKSE

Edited by Seviraph
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Well, searching "help dlc1vampirelordcape" or something similar, adding it to your inventory, equipping it, and then changing your race to dlc1vampirebeast does give you the cape with the physics.
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