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Fable 3.5 and 4


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Ah but the fun aspects are that you earn guild seals for various acts that you commit yourself to with a husband/wife and children. I had a brilliant time running round looking for a bow for my little girl and a porcelain doll for my son (yep that's right my son wanted a doll and my daughter a bow, I howled in delight).


It was a great deal of fun and having to do it meant that I accumulated a fair few guild seals doing this. I also managed to gain a number of trophies, just because I was looking for precise gifts for my adoptive children too.


I guess I love doing the mundane stuff as well as the proper quests. Makes it just as real for me :D

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Ah but the fun aspects are that you earn guild seals for various acts that you commit yourself to with a husband/wife and children. I had a brilliant time running round looking for a bow for my little girl and a porcelain doll for my son (yep that's right my son wanted a doll and my daughter a bow, I howled in delight).


It was a great deal of fun and having to do it meant that I accumulated a fair few guild seals doing this. I also managed to gain a number of trophies, just because I was looking for precise gifts for my adoptive children too.


I guess I love doing the mundane stuff as well as the proper quests. Makes it just as real for me :D


Most people male gamers want to play games at their leisure and not have to deal with all the inter-personal stuff.


I fixed my statement.

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lol, no worries, I love Fable 3, that and Risen 2 are the only games (so far) that I play in which I actually use guns. I hate shooter games usually but because there is a mix in these games using different skills for different situations, I'm having a great deal of fun playing with a medium I usually wont entertain.


They are also correct for the time line eg muskets and the like. This also means that I don't feel like I'm cheating using them :)

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