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Mod Release Promotion Queston


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Hey guys, can any of you propose where a modder can promote and advertise their mods?


All I do so far is to just release screens & vids on nexus and YT but do we have any other major modding hubs out there that could help out?


I think about Moddb and Reddit but are they any good?

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Both ModDB and r/FalloutMods are pretty decent places for release threads -- r/FalloutMods is a little more active than than ModDB, but ModDB has a better organization system for showing off your mod imo.

If you know how to tag things and get around Twitter and Instagram's flaws (character limit for the former, mobile only for the latter), they aren't horrible for advertising -- especially if you follow the right people.

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We welcome release notifications on r/FalloutMods but make sure that you follow the clear and simple [FO4] tagging and posting rules or the automoderator will getcha:


Posts promoting a released mod must link to the MOD, not a video


EDIT & ps I don't like removing other authors threads, but rules is rules.

Edited by SKK50
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Also have a look at the download/endorsement stats of the released mods from any person giving you advice.


ModDB for Fallout 4 doesn't get a lot of traffic, won't make much difference. r/FallloutMods will for the most part just waste your time with trolls, sh*tposts, and questions about consoles. Will not translate into a material amount of additional downloads.


The New Files section of Nexus Mods is the behemoth in terms of traffic. There is no second place, unless you include Bethesda.net.


100% of any promotion efforts should go into an informative mod page on Nexus Mods with lots of pictures, a few videos, and text, including a FAQ, although not as many people will read the text.


You do amazing work and people know your name. All you need is a good mod page.

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