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Custom weapon textures dark in-game


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So yeah, I have a custom weapon and I've gotten it in-game and everything works great except for the diffuse and blood textures. The diffuse doesn't show any colors, it just makes the mesh really dark and the blood just doesn't even show up at all. I've tried messing with the .dds files, remaking the whole .nif in NifSkope. Oh yeah and the textures look perfectly fin in NifSkope. So I'm out of ideas and I decided to ask if anyone knew what was going on.


This is it in NifSkope:




This is it in the Creation Kit (also looks like that in game):



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Do you got the specularity set up correct?

If you don't know where to find it, look under the alpha channel of the normal map. If by chance it is all black, it's the problem.

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Ok yeah I have the spec all set up correctly, I'll try that "Vertex Colors" real quick and I will let you guys know.



EDIT: Yay! That fixed it but now my weapon is really shiny, should I just darken all the maps? Or is there a better technique to combat shiny weapons?

Edited by dreadsnipa
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Hey im having a similar problem, i tried the vertex colors fix but it didnt work for me. Do you mind clarifying what you mean when you say you had to darken your diffuse?

do you mean just make the texture a little darker?


EDIT: nevermind you were talking about your weapons being too shiny.

Edited by RustyShackleford90
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