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Creation kit problem


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hello all


I started having a problem with the CK recently where the actor preview will no long show when editing a npc or race. This is somewhat annoying as i like to customise my companions and save the changes in one esp file and I prefer the CK to the npc editor. I'm pretty sure it started happening after a recent Ck update and I haven't changed any settings. I've tried uninstalling and downloading again as well as removing the configuration settings file etc and loading the skyrim master file only with no mods (face textures etc) and still no luck. Am I missing something obvious?


Any help will be appreciated :thumbsup:



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Further investigation on my part has revealed that its to do the the enb I am using. Having removed all enb files from my skyrim directory, the previews are now showing up. I'm using the wilds enb which is fairly popular and haven't heard of anyone else having this problem but I have tweaked the settings a bit, does anyone have any idea what may be causing this issue?
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Hey mate, I was just about to put up the same topic myself. Its very annoying. But seeing yours made me think I should try removing my enb and see what happens.


Turns out, it fixed it :) thanks man I really appreciate you updating the topic and not just leaving it :) I find it weird it causes the character render window to F up but not the world one. Thanks anyway.

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Funny, I was just about to post the same thing. I'm going to try your suggestion regarding the ENB and see if it works.


EDIT- It does work. Thank you so much. I switch between The Wilds and Winterheart ENB and both of them seem to cause this issue with the creation kit.

Edited by lsinsocal
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Good to Know I wasn't the only one having this issue and glad I could help. I've used other, less intensive enbs in the past and didn't have this issue. Due to this I'm guessing there must be a specific setting/feature that causes this problem. I'll keep playing around and if I find out what's causing it I'll post here :thumbsup: (assuming it's not just another problem caused by a patch again)
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I've played around some more with the settings and haven't managed to determine any single feature/setting that causes this issue (so far). Does everyone experiencing this problem have a radeon card? They don't play well with enbs, It's the only thing I can think of.
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