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Which mods can be activated with Dawnguard


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i use some mods of your list.


A Quality Worldmap

High Rez Roadsigns

Enhanced Night

W.A.T.E.R. (with the newest version of this mod, you doesn't need Enhanced Distance Terrain anymore)


these mods are working fine with Dawnguard.


I would say, the crashes are related to ENB. But i am not sure about that ;)

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You should check each the Description of each mod your downloading. The author might write wether if it's Compatible with the 1.6/1.7 patch. Which is working for Dawnguard. If the author of the mod didn't put it. Try testing the mod and see your luck if it works. :thumbsup:
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You should check each the Description of each mod your downloading. The author might write wether if it's Compatible with the 1.6/1.7 patch. Which is working for Dawnguard. If the author of the mod didn't put it. Try testing the mod and see your luck if it works. :thumbsup:


yeah. thats the best way.

And don't forget to update your mods, if there is a new update released.

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i use some mods of your list.


A Quality Worldmap

High Rez Roadsigns

Enhanced Night

W.A.T.E.R. (with the newest version of this mod, you doesn't need Enhanced Distance Terrain anymore)


these mods are working fine with Dawnguard.


I would say, the crashes are related to ENB. But i am not sure about that ;)



Ok, will try those. Also, is there a Dawnguard-compatible ENB mod you'd like to suggest?



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I don't use ENB. I use Realistic Lighting With Customization.

Works nice and doesn't ruin my fps. ENB maybe better looking, but my fps are dropping from 50-80 to 5-10.

And with all the other "Grafics enhancement" mods i use, the game looks much better for me. i use 20+ texture and weather enhancements and many immersion mods to enhance the looks of the game without so extreme fps drops like i have with ENB.


Not that i "hate" ENB. i like what the ENB team is doing, but i can't use it on my pc.

thats why i use alternative mods to enhance my game experience.

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