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Control limit script info on Bypass Highly Advanced -- K/M and Controller


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16 days 8-10 hours daily striaght

I have been woking on a custom Controlmap that allows players to use the Controller and KM together. there have been early vids where they have been taken down as ive pushed myself to better understand the scripted limitation with Skyrim Se.


(fully function keyboard and Mouse)


keys mouse gamepad actives forth active with Gamepad/steam bigmode \ON --- will override all function

0x__ 0x__ 0x__ 0/1 0/1 0/1 0x____


Bethesda has flooded the mouse bindings with components that have no effect on the mouse that players can never use and therefore have been cleaned out to open more Script room



there are actually three mechanics such as

Procedural--\--main binding path to preset these include -forward-backward-strafeL-strafeR-- ect ect..

functional--\-- subsequent plugins to the binds set in procedural

waste--\-- because Bethesda just sucks at setting the functions :tongue:

reactive to.....(this is important)*** these are functions that effect what is locked and uneditable which you can actually effect inderrectly with an undescriminant combination of changes to your source procedural is very illusive to even comprehend. ex. if you set "E & Enter" as activators and switch the mouse click to a button whatever button you switch it to could change the course of the hidden code leading to different results. likewise if you remove other keys or make different combos on the procedural even if its something that makes no sense you WILL reactivate Controller console functions anything can GO...…

ive meet points where I could get the (A)(X)(Y)(B)(UpDpad)(Leftstick)(LB) all working together... however once you apply another background program that dictates your input for controller you will pull from the core function on how things will receive. so you could potentially make a rewasd config that could lock out the performance of some keys you would have if your rewasd were still blank...… only on the controller as its comes has to read

the ControlMap -- Default keycode driver in the controller ---- code twisting ---- and lastly the Functional code from your mapping program

all of these can also twist your function --

you can change your remapping program config with buttons that are registered in with the controlmap file and see different results.


this means that if you can find the right combo you can get important buttons working with a rewasd config that can cover the rest but its harder then you could ever imagine.


the only thing I cant recreate is the (A) as it is I had it unlocked but once my rewasd goes on it goes off...…. best believe ive shed a couple tears.

I have tried Auto clickers but so far all the software models ive used havn't worked and im guessing as its due to the game engine producing a secondary mouse function that cant be edited.

my thought is that if someone could source the cursor engine layover and disable it via a mod or find a way to feed its source into a auto clicker


this will recreate the final aspect im missing.

my current file. has many things but there are small things that are completely disabled but were made that way to open the direction I wanted to add in

what ive done is flooded the --!Active-- so the Enter doesn't work with menu and Auto resorts to the external inputs from your desktop this means that even if you cant press enter at the MainMenu you can still use the E-key & (A) for controller. just as you would via Enter function even though E+Enter are both actives... when ingame as the Enter Key resorts to your desktop keycode load when in the Console it will work :} so even though the enter is flooded to open things everything functions as normal...….. you can even get an AHK.file and mod the Keyboard where

~Enter : : E

this will make the enter act as both as the ~ makes it so instead of a hard replace.


--update-- have now patched the Double selection when in Journal

cause- enter at press with script additive as secondary reaction at the same time, have changed the initial press on (A) to be E&Num+ down followed with backspace script to act as killswitch to end register of second click while in Journal -- all inventories already worked as single press.


meanwhile leaving some BigPicMode keybinds can actually make use of the HardLock system causing a loop in the binary for a secondary read allowing the Desktop function to take control when and only when specific floodinputs are met or if something has a higher or lower keycode compared to its initial reading



(note Enter is supposed to be the onlyway to (Yes-No) its now E and therefore opens binary line for script and eases the workload while making it easier for single clicking the (A)

this means that before if you had

E to active you would still need Enter to Yes-no

if you just had Enter to Yes-no you cant click on loads+Saves without moving the cursor

so I stripped this by testing until E replaced the Core Hardcoded unlisted function over Enter so you can do everything on one button



the second loss is more impactful unless I find a work around as im not familiar with the keyboard layout ----Derp :/


that is the Option to pull up the Quest Location from your Journal while in or out of the World_Map


You can switch Journal tabs with Ltrigger & Rtrigger as normal

You can favorite inventory items with (Y)

You can Recharge inventory items with (Rb)

You can Move the Map and the Cursor with the option to zoom + & - full function aside from rotating the point of perspective \ not mandatory

User Sticks have been configured on the three point scales with the size of the center point widening / narrowing of the scale rings that determine its sensitivity to a point to recreate and improve the vanilla sticks -- while leaving the movement scale up to the rewasd program to set to your liking for speed.


ive scripted the game to take a Combo with the Lstick_click + Rstick_click where it takes the Default control keycode+rewasdmapping+combo activator that add the Shift+TAB this dual stick click will snap from game to Steam hud --- then steam hud to Desktop === then back to game AT WILL.


to remove the steam hud to return to game you can hold (start) or (B) if that's not your pref you can simply shift tab.


the catch is that my work was aimed to replace the script that allows custom mapping to all buttons on the ingame settings\controls with the exception of Auto move & Run ---- I don't much care for these but I felt it wouldn't be right to take them away from everyone else if they wanted my file


Additionally you can press Rb while -----out of Game----- this will pull up your shortcut to Nvidia ShadowPlay

Xbox home button will work as common press and pull the Nvidia shadowplay if Held


Attack keys in the file are set to Num5 & Num8 --- with no L or R click function ---- however I twisted the script as with everything else so that the desktop layer takes over and your mouse will work with the game as before without being apart of the game script --- all for Dual compatibility with the controller --- same with the click function its now on Num+ but the flood allows the Left click aswell


this leads to the effect that I can apply the click function to the (A) key without it also initiating a player attack

this leads into the fact that the only way to center the Cursor is to do so manually. but aslong as its on the spot to close popups it will stay there until the cursor gets moved the next time its active.

this is why I need a Auto center function to be layered in so that it will center to the perfect sweetspot that will allow auto popup close but also stay on the spot where it can rotate the item displayed when in the Inventory menu


you can now Rotate inventory item displays enlarged or not when Holding (LB) as the active and rotating with the (R_stick)

its easier on Enlarge mode since the whole screen is a selective -- while the smaller side display you have to set your cursor over the panel of the item. the panel matches the same width as the Text box bellow the Image.

which is also again a sweetspot when / if we can auto center to the following screen cord





you can use AHK to swap your keys manually for binds if you need to change the keyboard binds

__ :: __ is a solid replace

~__ ::__ is both function


you can use a Java script detector ---Bing--- and get your keycodes there manually go into my ControlMap file... Make your changes

keyboard mouse Gamepad Active_binary GamepadBigPicMode

0x__ 0x__ 0x__ * * * 0x__

Gamepad & GamepadBigPicMode is useless in this mod unless your looking to throw in extra twists to the functions to change hidden script.





Other specialties with the Rewasd Config

holding LB shitfts to Green Page which simulates the Nexus mod


you can hold Lb and press at your leisure compared to dual pressing

holding the Dpad directions will give you majic \ skill \ inventory \ map based on the direction of the tween

holding the Rb will pull the Command


meanwhile Holding RB shifts to Red Page which allows command scripts and pressing the Lb in this shift opens and closes the Command

this allows the three pages to function in a perfect ouroboros Circle for functionality.

im going to work on making some default binds carry the same effect but be binds that leave no footprint in a command to keep things clean.


1= Dual Sticks \ game Toggle


Lastly here are some Pre Written Commands

2 = Resurrect
3 = kill
4 = killall
5 = Tcl
6 = Tim
7 = Tgm
8 = Tai
9 = Tcai
10 = Resetai
11 = unlock
12 = lock
13 = setunconscious 0
14 = setunconscious 1
15 = openactorcontainer
16 = coc whiterun
17 = coc wideadbodycleanupcell
18 = coc qasmoke
19 = Fov 97
20 = sexchange
21 = setownership
22 = setscale .5
23 = setscale 1
24 = setscale 1.5
25 = setscale 2
26 = setscale 2.5
27 = setscale 3
28 = setghost 0
29 = setghost 1
30 = s1st
31 = player.moveto


-Update Made the Build stable with scripts on keys to be Input followed by backspace as killswitch also will auto clear any mispresses while in command console to maintain clean input command line


feel free to drop a comment or feedback


update --

setting the active binary can change things aswell A B C

A+B= 1 makes it keyboard active in the Controls menu for customization ---- C is active when in Gamepad --- not necessary when BigPictureMode is Forced off with steam


my bypass --- setting

run. togglerun, sneak, sprint, pov --- with A+B will actually make all ingame bindings spawn on the controls page while keeping all the inactive 0 binary open for more customization.

my controls current share some keybinds I will make alternates to allow players full swing at the controls page without impacting the controller mapping

Edited by JWR03
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