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Help with game breaking bug


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I have a very big issue with my game ending. After I killed Alduin in Sovngarde, I talk to Tsun and go back to the throat of the world, but there are only Parthurnaax and Odahviing, no other dragons. Where normally there would be a number of dragons celebrating Alduins death.


This makes me unable to get Odahviing as an ally, and to actually finish the main quest line. Any ideas how to fix this bug? :(


I'm not sure if it is some mod that is causing it, If anyone knows of a mod that may cause this I would appreciate if you left a post. The TES Wiki however does list this as a vanilla bug, but lists no solution.


I have been unable to find a fix for this...and it is quite game breaking...

Edited by 92DemonKing
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