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Active effects for Vampire Lords/Werewolves.


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So me and my brother both love playing Dawnguard, but there are some things that hold it back in our eyes:




Drain Life Spell is very weak when being used as a high level character, making it near impossible to gain any perks; claw attacks are only slightly better, but not by much.




Even with the new perks, they still have no armor ranking which still makes them less viable than just killing enemies in your base form.



For these reasons, I'm hoping someone can create a mod with necklaces that adhere to these problems when they are unequipped from the character. I saw that Bethesda included something similar in the game (ring of the erudite/beast) that are still active even after the player transforms into the V-Lord, but they must've add some code into the VampireBeastRace because when I try and make an item like those my character doesn't retain any of the bonuses.


Can anyone help?

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Ah, I didn't know there was a glitch like that in the game; I'll have to see what happens when I part ways with her.


Still, a mod for a werewolf amulet that increases armor/damage resistance would be nice.

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