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New game start and others


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I dunno if anyone else feels like this, but i feel the beginning of the game really breaks immersion. The idea you're just some random person trying to sneak into skyrim and before you know it you're the most powerful mofo going.

I would like the start up to be a little different, instead of being caught trying to sneak into skyrim, perhaps you're a well known mercenary who is finally caught, i mean that wouldn't even take much change, you could still be taken to the chopping block,

but just with new dialogue, the imperials would actually have a reason to chop your head off, and would make sense why people want you to join them if you were famous! That said another idea would be some kind of bounty system quite like what you get for doing illegal things

that anyone could try do, such as hanging up posters in the pubs around skyrim, and i don't mean just sticking some bandits in a cave!


Reply if you think this is a good idea :)



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