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a mod to keep me on my toes?


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so as the title and description states, im looking for a mod or multiple mods that will help keep the game play interesting, for some reason skyrim cant seem to hold my attention as well as most other Bethesda games have, such as fallout 3/NV and oblivion. as it is i dont have many mods on skyrim as i did for fallout NV so if anyone has suggestions, please reply and link me to the mod. Edited by LoneGhostOne
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You could try SkyTEST. First time I tried it I had a 10 min fight with a bear! The Deadly Dragons is also fun, but you have to wait for the dragons to see that one in action... If you like camping, there are a couple of hunger mods out there and I cant say camping without saying Camping Kit of the Northern Ranger! That's just to great to be true!


But without any info on what you like, I could just link you to the nexus search bar...


Hope it helps!

Edited by assterixxx
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The two major ones are Total Realism - Basic Needs and Imps More Complex Needs. I use the first one, and am very happy with it, but I hear good things about IMCN too.


And if you're going to add hunger, thirst, and sleep, then you should definitely consider Frostfall as well.


EDIT: Ah, ninja-ed by Assterixxx. Well, make that two votes for Frostfall.

Edited by JanusForbeare
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Going off JanusForbeare post... I've tried Total Realism-Basic Needs and Imps More Complex Needs. I have to say, I like Imps better, its more detailed, really puts you in the spot of "SIMing" your self and you kan adjust so many sitting... say if you changed your timescale. It does suggest a timescale between 5-10 I think, I hear most ppl float around a setting of 8.


* Im digging Sands of Time (Sleep, Fast-Travel, Walking Dangers). Keeps you on your toes, you have a veried of odds that you might be attacked.. even during your sleep cycle and some of the enemies pack a bag.


Also, if you add FrostFall (many endepth settings also), I rekommend a Camping Mod or two... The two I use and like/love best are Camping Kit of the Northern Ranger &LtMattmoo's Camping which adds some nice little extras to shops & kraft table. One being a storage sack you kan leave at your Camp site for xtra items. Also has tents and firekit box but you'll probably use Northern Rangers or FrostFalls firekit set & cooking wear


Hope 1 or 2 or maybe alll of these help. Works good for me, plus I love cooking =) #GottaEat

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As far as combat is concerned I use these mods to keep the combat difficult and highly risky to just go in swinging like a madman


Duel: Adds stagger, makes stamina an actual resource that is needed to fight. Lower stamina means more staggering and slower stamina regen. Balances combat quite well. There are a TON of other additions, but those were the main selling points for me.


ACE: Full on overhaul of multiple aspects fo the game. Skill Perk Trees, more combat improvements, barter and speech improvements, pretty much a whole new system for just about everything.


ASIS: Gives NPCs the ability to use perks, items and spells(not included in Vanillla Skyrim, pretty damn cool if you ask me)


Also I use Path of Shadows for sneaking. These with iHUD set to never show any markers, enemy health and no compass and the games combat is waaaaay harder. I tried "Locational Damage" but didn't like it. I felt like I was getting hit in the neck like every time. Also either Duel or ACe gives bonuses for fighting standing still and negative effects for moving while fighting, like reduced damage, increased stagger chance, etc.


Also I use Climates of Tamriel, Project ENB(CoT specific ENB, looks REALLY good), IMCN, Frostfall(once it is compatible with Climates of Tamriel), Footprints, Realistic Wildlife, Occupy Skyrim, Immersive Patrols, Bird of Skyrim, Every City has various Guard Outfits TS Edition, Dynamic torches, Hi-Res Signs, Sands of Time, Mercy, Light up the Night(gives more NPCs torches, felt it added to the realism of the darkness of ngihts in my game now), Ultimate Follower Overhaul, Tavelers of Skyrim, Populus, More Tavelers, Crowded Cities(or maybe it was just Solitude, can't remember 100%), Radiance, and I used the Texture Pack Combiner to get the best textures the game ahs to offer. With these mods (This is not all of my mods, over 120+ mods easily including my texture mods) I feel like my game is very realistic and super immersive, while also giving me a challenge like I want.


Also I have these too:

Dual Wield Parry: Name says it all, with Duels reduced weapon block it makes it perfectly balanced as a quick life saver. I only ever use it to get a fast parry in, not really a block and hold.

Dual Wield Block Animations: Animation for the above mod

TK Dodge: With how blocking works in Duel and ACE dodge gives me a chance to dodge an incoming attack if timed well. I am still getting used to it but it ahs helped a little. Seems very situational.

Skyrim Monster Mod: Adds new monsters, reskins old ones, and makes them more lethal. Give the wildlife a little more life. I have used this in conjunction with Realistic Wildlife for a long time and they compliment eachother well form what I noticed.

Shorter Cell Respawns: Ever want to go back to a dungeon because it was that much fun? This mods shortens the respawns on cells.

Auto Unequip Ammo: Immersion is what it is all about, and taking off the arrows when unequiping your bow has made the game feel better in my opinion.

Player Headtracking: Players character will look at interesting NPC's, dead bodies, and cycle between people depending what they are doing. Will also give a facial expression when looking at people based on the friendship level for that actor.

Unofficial Skyrim(and Dawnguard) Patche(s): One for each, and I would recommend both if you have Dawnguard. It fixes some bugs and glitches.

Brawl Bug Plugin: Fixes Brawl bugs that have been happening

Crimson tide: Ahh the blood and gore. Ever felt like Skyrim just didn't look like you got done with a massacre? Well now you will, this mod adds an extremely realistic amount of blood to the ground, player, weapons and enemy. All based on where oyu strike too. IMO it is by far the best blood mod, also I think there is a new texture for it as well in the mod.

Dance of Death: Cinematic Kills not happening enough for you? Want them toh trigger when more than one enemy remains? Want them to happen more often or less? This mod give full control over decaps and kill moves with an in game GUI for instant tweaking and testing (I run around with 65% kill move, 35% decap, immunity and no last enemy restriction).


With Occupy Skyrim, Radiance, SkyMoMod, Frostfall, IMCN, Real Wildlife, Sands of Time and all the poplation and traveler mods the game feels real. There is soooo much more life in Skyrim now. If yuo would like to know some more really good immersion mods I can show you what I run with toget the best realism out of my game. Just shoot me a PM.

Edited by sidewayz24
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