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Inevitable bug from The Bloodstone Chalice


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So to anyone concerned, the bug basically shows up when return to Volkihar castle after filling up the chalice. And that bug, is that everyone just goes hostile on me. I can't do anything, sneaking and invisibility potions don't help, as I can't talk to the quest giver either, the vampire Dunmer guy, I can't activate him.


I probably am the only one who has this bug, but what the hell, if this occurred in your game as well, that and/or you have a solution, feel free to post here.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I can confirm this bug. I tried reloading before Redwater Den a few times and still they go hostile to me. :(


EDIT: I found the solution on the UESPWiki. All you have to do is wait outside for 24 hours. Hope this helps anyone. :)

Edited by dantedemon
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