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Mouse insanely fast


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Hello! I, like many others most likely, picked up morrowind when Bethesda offered it to celebrate 25 years.


The game itself runs fine with 1 exception, the mouse is so crazy fast that it is unplayable. If you move the mouse even the slightest bit, it jumps far. Itâs like the mouse is on some sort of grid and it can only move between maybe 100 points on the screen. This also means that some options are even impossible to click into if they donât line up perfectly with where I can move my mouse to. This happens on menus, title screen, and when playing the game, both indoors and outdoors.


This seems to happen on vanilla Morrowind too. Iâve tried Mge xe and FPS optimizer to try and resolve but I just canât get it to work. Iâve tried vsync on and off (both from Mgexe and from Intel driver settings), slowing mouse down to lowest setting in windows, disable pointer precision, lowering mouse sensitivity in game options, setting mouse settings to 0.5 in FPS optimizer. Iâve tried different resolutions, and probably a ton more things that I canât think of right now. Iâve done my fair share of googling but nothing Iâve found seems to work.


Any advice? I havenât played this game in YEARS and am kinda excited to get back into it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

probably not helpful, but ... i use a Razer Naga Trinity gaming mouse, and not only does it have it's own independent sensitivity setup, it has buttons to change the sensitivity on the fly. Once while playing Civ V I thought I had gone crazy because suddenly I could control anything right. Maybe your mouse has something similar?

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Under the [General] section at the top in the Morrowind.ini you'll see a setting for FPS. What value do you have there, I think the default value is 240?


Max FPS=144


The current value I have for that setting is 144 and I don't have a fast mouse, perhaps you have a too high value for that setting.


Try change that setting to let say 60, I once had 60 and that worked without having a problem with that.

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