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creation kit non human follower trouble


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im attempting to make a falmer follower and iv followed the tutorials to the letter. hes got the maledarkelf voice, correct factions; potential follower faction and -1 current follower faction. hes inside the riverwood ttrader but when i approach him there isnt a dialogue option, i cant talk to him at all. im missing a step, i just dont know what it is. what do i have to do to get nonhuman followers?


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Relationship rank 2(friend) or 3(ally). The voicepack also needs to contain dialogue for the follower "quest", I don't remember if male darkelf voice got it. I do know that male nord got it though, so try it. Get this mod as well, it adds hollow files for the voices missing the follower dialogues http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=16266, i.e. you will be able to recruit anyone with any vanilla voicepack, they just won't say anthing when you recruit them.
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yes the relationship rank is set to ally and the voicepack does work, iv used it before, its the same as erandr's. even when i switch to a human follower ie; a nord, it works perfectly and all i changed was the race, but when i go back to falmer the push E to talk isnt there.
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