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Crashing when trying to fast travel.


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Ok so anybody else have this problem. I installed Dawnguard recently finally got around to playing. Crash when trying to enter fort. Mannequin script caused it so removing those fixed that problem. Get all the way to the quest where I gotta recruit two people. Fast travel to Bruca's leap redoubt crash. let's try dragontooth crater nope crash. finally said maybe try dragon bridge. I'm able to fast travel there but crash shortly trying to head towards finding the npc sornine. Now i start removing all my mods. was able to fast travel to Brucas twice but woould crash trying to fast travel out of there. Now I have no mods installed. verified cache still crash. removed dawnguard verified cache still crashed. Now i'm gettin annoyed thinking hell maybe just start over. clean save no dawnguard still crash when trying to zone to those 2 areas. No matter what save or character I use walking running fast travel to those spots I crash.
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