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Help ... Quest Aliases


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So I'm working on a settlment mod that adds locations, and I got most of it working properly. When I go in game and I get the notification it usually shows up as "[...] is under attack" in all my testing I've seen it pick a random location (in my testing it was Country Crossing - even though I did not have that location active). On the very rare occasional and I CANT get it to be repetitive in showing the proper location


What I Did: I took the vanilla (Fallout4.esm) attack quests so the one i'm currently using is called "WorkshopFeralGhoulAttack01" I duplicated and gave it a unique ID with the prefix to seperate mine from the vanilla games. When I test it like i said above it shows [...], now I THINK I read this someplace but that is supposed to mean that the alias did not fill?


Quests: PREFIX_WorkshopFeralGhoulAttack01

Messages: PREFIX_WorkshopFeralghoulAttack01Message

- Owner Quest: PREFIX_WorkshopFeralGhoulAttack01 (Quest)


Story Manager: WorkshopScriptsEvent > WorkshopAttackNode > PREFIX_WorkshopFeralGhoulAttack01



NOTE: I've tried to place a image but can't figure out how to place it within the forum post. I've also tried to attach it to the "attach files" section but apparently it's too large.

NOTE: I'm still learning about aliases and the CreationKit.com doesn't help my comprehension. So if you could possibly elaborate your answers.


My Goal: Make a quest(s) that will add my custom locations (vanilla locations made into settlements)

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To test your workshop location is valid, install SKK Workshop Utilities and run the [Detect Workshop Ownership issues] option look at the pictures to see the valid/error report you get.


And/or read this as your location may not be initialized correctly: SKK Workshop Utilities - Corrupt Workshop Lists


If that's all OK I can help you sort out the quest aliases.

Edited by SKK50
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So that's a good start.


With your quest running console [ sqv PREFIX_WorkshopFeralGhoulAttack01 ] and check for the running state and alias fills.


Also the Message WorkshopFeralGhoulAttack01Message is bound to the original quest name, so your going to have to duplicate that and change the quest to yours so <Alias=myLocation> text replacement picks up. Plus WorkshopFeralGhoulAttack01WinMessage and WorkshopFeralGhoulAttack01LoseMessage


Or to super simplify, rather than use the crappy original attack quests, use the vastly superior SKK Settlement Attack System that will simply use your current player workshop location.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay I just tested it for the 3rd time since my last post. The first two times I did NOT get a notification at all, so I fast traveled to my settlement only for one the settlers to give me a radiant quest (Help clear out <locationname>). So my question is how do I disable the radiant quests just for testing purposes. I've tried disableding the "MinRecruitmentAfteOwned" to false as opposed to it's value of false as opposed to it's normal true.

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To ensure your suppressing the MM quests correctly use SKK Workshop Utilities to [MM Workshop Quests DISABLED].


What Story Manager event node and conditions are you using to trigger your quest ?

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