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What outfit/armor is this one?!


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Any one knows which armor is this mod?!




Iâve been looking through this site, on google and other mod pages without any luck at all since I habe no idea what itâs name is or in what category it fits in!! Any tip would be realky appreciated!!


If anyone wonders, I found that picture in




Credits to their creators!

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Shrug. Some screenarchers don't feel any need to use strictly honest ports. The set could be a port from anywhere or anyone, permed or not.


Very few mod creds are ever given on Screens, and some are so competitive for clicks they would really prefer keeping sources private.


Being honest is not just "being on the Nexus", it's being honest with your sources and having permission, no matter where the DL site is.


I've asked about armors in screens and several times been directed to shady sights, including a popular one that actually admits they have no perms for some of the stuff they have ripped.


Rule of Thumb for me is...the harder an armor/clothing mod is to find, the odds that it's not honest rise considerably.



I hope you find it.. and I hope it's legit.

Edited by TeofaTsavo
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