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[LE] Copy Cell - Help [1]

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Is there any way to Copy and Paste Cell with Script?

i just want to Copy and Paste whole World Cell if Button is Pressed :)


for example we have World Cell on X=0 Y=0

and we want to Copy it to X=1 Y=0 ^_^


is it possible to do ? :P





or Other Question...


we Have 2 Worlds




Can we Copy Cell X=0 Y=0 World_1

And Paste to Cell X=0 Y=0 World_2






or Other Question...


is there any way to get ALL STATIC objects from cell?




1) Get Every object in selected cell

2) Get Object Type and Position

3) Copy those object to Array or FormList

4) Paste in ANY place i want ^_^





or Other Question...


Can i create FormList of Static Objects... w8 w8 w8...

i have great idea...


we dont have this Question Abowe... it was stupid cause sure we can do it...


ugh xD i have so great idea its gonna crash my game again :D

im happy and sad cause of this xD


happy cause im gonna do EPIC idea :D

sad cause i finally have working game xD

- 500+ mods and no crashes xDDD




but ok we still have first and second Question :D





Short Version:

" Can i Copy Cell from ONE World to Other World ? "

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If you mean from one esp to another esp :

This works for interior cells i don't know about exteriors (never tryed it).

1) You load both esp (A & B)> set ACTIVE the esp (A) the one you want the copy to be placed.

2) You DUPLICATE the cell you want from the INACTIVE esp (B) and SAVE.

3) Exit CK > reload CK > open ONLY the esp (A), set it as active and you have the DUPLICATED cell from esp (B).

* If your DUPLICATED cell has been Optimize you are gonna have to re - optimize it, wierd issues meight occour.

* And you'll need to FINALIZE Navmesh again to all doors because none of them will be working.

* I don't think that this can be done through Script.

* As for "Copy those object to Array or FormList" i have no idea, never try to do something like that

Edited by maxarturo
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Is there any way to Copy and Paste Cell with Script?



I'm asking about Script only :P

i was working many times with other PPL so i know how to copy things from one esp to other

All i need is Copy and Paste by Script



Also i know how to do it with FormList ( cause i test it now and its working )


but there is this same problem as with Multi Light Switch using FormLists


it take more than 2 Minutes to finish work... and it have to finish in 1 sec max XD !

y i know i can use Arrays but well... arrays have max size 128 so they are useless if World Cell will have more than 128 objects


and its not so hard if my worlds are Over 900% mb usage :P

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I don't think that can be done through script.

And even if could be done, the duplicated cell would be completely useless because neither Optimization, neither Navmesh, neither Doors, neither Quests Aliases, neither all the Linked Ref would be working, they would all be linked to the cell that they are been duplicated from. They all need to be realign after duplication.

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Formlists can hold any form, including statics.


Getting all statics in a cell, requires SKSE(the FormType for GetNumRefs, GetNthRef), unless you wanna take time writing down everything that is truly a static in said cell.


Statics though you can't do anything with because there is no functions for statics. You'll first have to get their references and check what their base types are, then do whatever you want with the reference.

Edited by Rasikko
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