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Trying to easily get a corpse container as a reference upon activation


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In the quest Three-Card Bounty, when you take your bounty's head from their inventory, they get decapitated in-game. I'd like to put together something similar for things like deathclaw hands, mantis forelegs, etc., but I can't quite figure out a way to bind a creature's corpse to a reference when you activate it.


My general idea is to attach a script to all monster gib items with an OnAdd block that says "whenever you pick me up, run killactor on the container to dismember the corresponding limb". I made a generic quest with a script attached, and its only job is to hold variables and references, so I could hold the container reference there. I'm just not sure how to easy grab a corpse container's reference upon activation without using something really heavy-duty like a GameMode block.

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Normally I would suggest an "EventHandler", but because of 'TIP Corpses are not Actors or Objects' (under the "Scripting" section of the wiki "Getting started creating mods using GECK" article), I'm not sure it would work after the Actor is "dead". More than likely you would need to have it "OnDeath". The big advantage to an "EventHandler" in that instance is that it gets processed BEFORE the game builtin "death event".


Please see 'TIP Do not overlook EventHandlers' under the "Scripting" section for links to the relevant information.



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