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Getting Quests to Appear in Dawnguard


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Hi everyone. I've been playing Dawnguard for a few days and I really LOVE it, but have noticed that sometimes the quests either won't appear so that you can start them, OR if you use the console commands to get them started nothing happens. Right now I'm hoping to finish the rest of the Ancient Powers quests so that I can then go onto the one where you get the vampire amulets, but when I talk to Faren Sadri there aren't any options to finish the Ancient Powers quests, instead he tells me to see Vingalmo. Then there is an arrow about Vingalmo's head but no conversattion options to begin a new quest. SIGH this DLC is very buggy but I do want to keep playing it, so iI'm wondering if anyone knows how I can get things moving again?


Thank you SO much!


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Hi aditza. I didn't have a spouse until yesterday (found a cute guy via a housecarl mod and just had to have him! lol) but I don't know if I had embraced any vamp informants. That's a good question.


I'll give that a try in the console today and see if it gets things going again-----thanks so much!



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Hi again. Don't know if it's alright to stack posts, but here it goes......I'm still doing the vampire quests and Vingalmo just told me to make the wood elf in Riften a vampire. Looks like I already have though, and so I'm not sure what to do now. I tried "setstage DLC1RV03 255" and "setstage DLC1RV02 255" but neither one worked so I'm not sure what to do from here. If you guys have any ideas I'd really appreciate them! :)


Thanks so much,


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