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Cannot continue quest thanks to my non existent companion


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I can't continue a particular quest as the quest giver wants me to get rid of my companion before we continue.


I've only ever had one companion and I got rid of him. I thought perhaps it was a certain priestly thrall but it can't be as I have no options to dismiss him and he is marked essential (yes, I tried to kill him).


I found a topic on the Bethesda forums: http://forums.bethso...6#entry21358546 which basically suggests using a mechanism within the Dark Brotherhood to reset everything but since I haven't started (and probably won't on this character) the DB quest line, I can't get into their sanctuary to take advantage of said mechanism.


I've also tried the console command.


Has anybody found a different solution to this obvious bug yet please?





Edit - Hmm, apparently it may be to do with two quests that had people waiting to meet me. I'm going to test that now.

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you should be able to fix it with the


set playerfollower count 0


console command

at least that was how I was able to get by it


Thanks. I had tried that before but this time it worked, presumably because I also went past the two quest stages where people were waiting on me.



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