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skyrim ini files question


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I followed this guide, now I'm at the very end, the ini tweaks part



So far I only launched the game once, just to make the 2 ini files show-up in .....users/mygames/skyrimspec.ed.



Now with modorganizer2, how do I edit the ini files ? I found it once, but can't remember how.


Also, only skyrim.ini showed up, a tab for skyrimprefs.ini was there, but is was blank. Although the skyrimprefs in mygames/skyrim.. is not a blank file.



The guide creator says I have to edit the ini's in muliple folders, can I edit both, and them copy/paste to the other directories ??



This is probably going to crash anyways. But at least I have the main mods I want DLed, so I could start over way quicker.



How am I supposed to start the game ? Run SKscriptextender from MO2 ???

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