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Black screen after exit a building

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Hello, i have this issue, black screen after exit a building, but this is different from other black screen issues, i saw from forums that many people have the black screen issue which is happening from ATI graphic card "i have nVidia GF 430 GT" or from a bug of skyrim, but while playing for 30 minutes and over it happens to them, i think they found the way how to fix that.

But how to fix this black screen issue "after exit a building"?

Please help!


Edit: I used a method to skip the black screen, i used console: coc highhrothgar, i teleported in High Hrothgar then i went outside and it worked, unfotunately when i fast traveled at Palace of the Kings of Windhelm, the loading screen became black and the game crashed, but the music was still playing until i close the game by Windows Task Manager "Ctr+Alt+Delete".

Looks like the black screen is not only happening when i exit a building. :/

Any way how to fix it?

Any fixing mod for this problem?

Edited by haldir307
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I've never heard of anything like this before. It sounds like you've got a mod script running somewhere that's performing invalid operations in an OnLocationChange Event. Also, just so you know...once a script is started by a mod, it won't stop. Ever. You'll need to go to load a savegame from before the script started running.


Why don't you make sure you've got all your mods disabled and try testing it via console...the moment the game starts running and you're at the main screen, bring up the console and use the COC command...it'll create a brand new character wherever you specified, and then you can begin testing it to make sure your whole game isn't corrupted.


If that doesn't work, try uninstalling Skyrim and reinstalling a it from scratch.


If that doesn't work, you've got a hardware incompatibility, and you can't play Skyrim. :(

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Some Nvidia cards do have a black screen problem. However, I don't remember this exact scenario, and most of the problems were with Oblivion not Skyrim. A Nvidia patch is supposed to have fixed it .


Is your card fully patched? Note that Nvidia has changed the way they recommend installing patches.

Also, if the problem only occurs after you have been playing a while, You should look into the board temperatures. Overheating can cause a lot of different problems.

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