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Cleaning Masters Failing?


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I've been using the Nordic Skyrim guide for the past week (it's been a long week of trying to get this going properly...) and I didn't do the cleaning of the masters in the beginning. I went back and started to do it and when I started, Update.esm keeps failing it seems. It Says it's successful, but when I go to close SSEEdit, it says "Closing files" and then it just doesn't do anything. The program doesn't close, there's no error, it just goes to Not Responding and that's it. If I force the program to close, Update.esm is gone.


The last time I let it sit for 3 hours and it didn't budge.


Is there something I'm doing wrong in this case? Do I NEED to clean these files to make the mods work properly?


Any help is appreciated.


Thank you.

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Cleaning the masters is a better idea, the more mods you have. That being said, my understanding is any guide prior to 2019 is obsolete. Are you using the most recent version of xedit? Version 4.0.2 of SSEedit has a GP button in the top right tray, to take you to GamerPoets tutorials, where you can find a new one about cleaning masters with xedit. There is a quick auto clean function, which you can use easily by sending a shortcut to desktop and then adding -QuickAutoClean to the properties. You need only tell it which master you want cleaned it let it do its work. GamerPoets will show in full detail how to set that up.

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