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Issues with lockpicking random gates


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Hello all,


I'm having a problem where I keep getting a window asking me what I want to do whenever I try lockpicking something, and the only thing I can choose is Pick.


Can't exit or close the window unless I choose pick, which isn't much of an issue aside from the fact that this happens on random doors throughout the game as well.

I haven't had it happen much yet, but for example the Whiterun main gate keeps asking me this all the time, but when I choose Pick it just opens the gate and instantly increases a level in lockpicking. I never get the minigame to actually pick it and will enter the city as normal.


The fact that it keeps asking me if I want to pick locks when that was obviously my intention anyway is also annoying.


Anyone else run into this as well? Or does anyone at least have some idea of what mod is causing it?



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Did you click Guardian Stone The Tower Stone recently it adds a additional menu to lock picking!..


The Tower Stone enables the Dragonborn the ability to automatically open expert or lower level locks once a day.


Owe it well work more then once a day when tgm cheat is used

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm also having this problem.


I have quite a few mods installed though I have used most of them without issue for some time before the problem became apparent. The ones I added around the time of noticing the problem are:


Bandolier - Decreased carry weight and lower prices

Camping kit of the Northern Ranger

Green water fix

Lore friendly starting stats and encumberance

Travel cost overhaul


To be honest I can't see any of these causing a problem like that.


I thought the most likely cause was "Shenk Theivery Overhaul". However I have since uninstalled that mod AND begun a new game. Yet the problem persists.


Please let me know if you come up with anything....it's a frustrating glitch as my character is leveling up without the combat experience I wanted to go with it. It happens almost everywhere with me, city gates, general stores, stables.......



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As far as I can tell I uninstalled everything properly. I use NMM so I literally just uninstalled then deleted the mod. I couldn't find any specialised instructions on how to uninstall it, though I've got to admit that since I was planning to start a new game so I didn't look that hard either.


Assuming I'm looking in the right place ( steamapps > common > skyrim > data > scripts ) I can't find any STO scripts at all. I'm not used to installing and uninstalling manually so if im looking in the wrong place then ill facepalm in advance. If not i guess we can rule out that particular mod as a cause.

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