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Could someone explain how to use IsDead?


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Okay, here's the deal. I'm making a dungeon with two pairs of draugr tombs. Here's a quick scheme of it I made in Paint just to help you understand:




So as you can see, there are 2 pairs of Draugr tombs here - I copy/pasted them from the WarehouseAmbushes cell. So, the first trigger activates tombs 1 and 2, and the second trigger activates tombs 3 and 4. But the second trigger is initially disabled. I want it to be endabled only after both Draugr from tombs 1 and 2 are dead. I wanted to attach a script to each of those Draugr, that would check if the other Draugr is dead, and if it is, then activate the triggerbox. So, for example, the script attached to Draugr 1 would have an OnDeath event that would check if Draugr 2 is dead, and vice versa. But I cannot get the IsDead function to work. Can someone explain this to me, because this page explains nothing.

And if it can't be done in this way, could you give me another way to do this. Thanks.

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Actor property OtherDraugr auto

ObjectReference property myTrigger auto

Event OnDeath(Actor akKiller)
    if OtherDraugr.IsDead() == true


Same script on both draugrs, only the OtherDraugr property will point to the opposite one.

Edited by gasti89
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