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Combining Mods


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I can't remember what I did, but I know something changed in my files.

Wall statics were swapped with some other static (can't remember what but it wasn't anything remotely like a wall). I know I didn't change the editor IDs or the nif files.

I really should of tried to find out what had happened, but even now I wouldn't know where to start

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Its really way easier to just use the CSE and do ESP mastering natively, instead of screwing around with ESMifying things.


Why are some people so resistant to use the best tools for the job?


Sorry. Last time I did it I didn't yet know of CSE. I installed it long since, but... you know, no time for modding means no possibility to try the other way out so far. And I'm not going to describe solutions I haven't used myself, yet. :sweat:

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Sorry. Last time I did it I didn't yet know of CSE. I installed it long since, but... you know, no time for modding means no possibility to try the other way out so far. And I'm not going to describe solutions I haven't used myself, yet. :sweat:


There's nothing to describe. The CSE does it all for you, in the manner you would expect the CS to do it if it weren't programmed stupidly.

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