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The CK hates me


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I really fail to see how to solve this issue because I must have watched at least three different guides and read the "making the quest" tutorial on the Creation Kit Wiki but the issue I am having is having my NPC displaying the dialouge I assigned him in the quest.


Since this is a new NPC it can't have any other dialouge except from their standard "Hmm." and "Need something?" lines. I even increased the priority of the quest from 60 to 100 to try and force this NPC to talk to me but he won't. I will show you what I have, if you need any other screenshots that may help solve the problem then please ask and I will show you.




The actor that the dialouge is linked to was placed in an inn and whenever I talk to him I just get the default lines above, I cannot even engage a proper conversation with him to give me any options. Voice has even been added so the dialouge can't just last for a mere second, either way two topic choices should show.


This is really irritating considering I have made a nooby quest before a while back and did the exact same thing as I have done now and it actually worked, unlike this. This is also the second time I have rewritten this quest and the same issue still continues. :( Any help would be great.

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