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Is there a way to Darken the sky forever in DG?


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Maby, if you look into the Magic Arrow, how does this effekt and it has a Duration, you could rise it up to (thing a Number between 1 and 99999) change the Valve and the Effect will last for the Valve time.




I found this Mod on Nexus.

Elipse Power ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22007/ ) the Author have make the Power of the Bow/Arrow into a useable Form for nonRanger.

Maby you can edit his Mod (ask for his premission) to set the durnation higher.

And if you want a Mod how make you Vampire Lord useabler in Combat why don't you look into my Mod ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21965 )

Edited by SpamNick
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